Monday, August 5, 2013



Well last week ended up being a rather productive week on the workout front.....except Sunday, which was too sedentary for my liking!  Was up too late Saturday night, so up too late Sunday, still tired and spent a couple of hours catching up on internet stuff, reading Sunday paper, and got coaxed into watching a long movie.

Last week managed:
Monday: - 4.45km run, - 28 mins....then on the powerwalk home I did a 1k 'sprint', 5:17 and a bit later down the road a 500m 'sprint', 2:30.  Then intense Crossfit WOD that evening.

Tuesday: - Swim, well over 50 laps of 25m pool, think I wrote it down last post. First 40 laps, (km) as fast as poss, I clocked 28 mins for that.  (I need to improve but that is my best effort ever).  Then some lengths with kickboards....working legs, and backstroke, and doggie paddle.  Then 3 lots of 2 laps, (50m)....going as fast as poss, and I managed each 50m in ever by about 15 secs for 50m!  I was stoked, think I'm kicking harder now and stroke must be a bit more efficient.

Wednesday: - Treadmill run, - 32mins....started off at 10.2, incline on 1.  After the 16 min mark I kept putting the speed up .2 every couple of mins, then for the final min, put the incline up to 2, and had speed on about 12.6 by memory......just to totally waste me to full max!  Ouch.....and puff puff!!!

Thursday: A casual gym visit with my mate, I found a way to make the Crosstrainer cane me in the warm up, then many different weights machines, focussing on upper and lower body, going upper...then lower.  I was doing 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps, occasionally having to break briefly mid set as I'm stubborn about lowering weights, (did once though)!  Then attempted 1km level 10 rower, 4:13 after weights, and then squats and a bit for shoulders with 5kg dumbbells.

Friday: Day off, light incidental activity throughout day.

Saturday: Crossfit WOD in morning.  After a warmup including jogging, walking lunges with plate, pushups, shoulder press/squat things, running with a plate, (5kg), then tyre flips, we were then to work on our 1 repetition maxes for shoulder press, deadlifts and back squats.  Shoulder press: 27.5kg for me.  Trainer wasn't happy with my deadlift technique so wouldn't let me go past 55kg for them, but I could do a good few at that weight like 3 sets of 12 I I had to.....almost 'OK' technique he said.  I think I had 32.5 on my bar for my 1RM back squat, I can do heaps of them, (a songs worth) at that weight going as far down as having my butt in line with knees...such as I've done at body pump over the years.  But he wants me going lower, (nearly butt to ground like he does!) so to do that I need to go lighter by quite a bit! 

After our Paleo brekkie I asked to see if I could try a pullup with the easiest dark blue resistance band.  About 3 weeks ago I could only get myself up a few inches, no where near getting chin above bar.  WELL:  - I did 3, and got chin above bar, I was firstly EXCITED AS!  Then on the 3rd rep I realised I was swinging my legs out front, - damn!  So I hung in the starting position again for a few seconds, thought....straight up Pip!  Damn, I was about an inch or 2 away from getting my chin above bar, and did that 3 times.  I may have been able to do it properly the first time if I hadn't done the 3 kipping style ones with the band.  But either way.....great progress from me!

I needed to go on a run Saturday I didn't run on Friday.  I did my outdoor 6.25km route, it was a 'nice mild arvo' for my standards.  That is about 13 degrees, some sun and cloud and no wind  or rain....acceptable to go running with a singlet/no beanie or gloves etc as long as I shower/put on warm clothes at completion!  I did it in 37:09 which was a vast improvement from the previous week's attempt of 41:30!  Clocked the first 5k in 29:29, nothing yet to write home about except it's the first time I've gone sub 30 mins for 5km since March this year outside!

As well as that, I've been doing a few pushups, going from as many toes as poss, then to knees.  Plus dumbell shoulder raises, airsquats.  Not alot, but a couple of sets of 20 of each on a couple of different days.  I probably need to also do a bit more back work to help toward pullups eventually!

Monday, (yesterday) morning I weighed in, probably a bit dehydrated, (a couple of beers the night before.....and tea was early).  But 79.9 it was.  That can bounce around by about 2kg in a day by the way.  It needs to be consolidated under 80....and working toward sub 75kg.

Crossfitted it last night.....after our warmup, (hard enough) we did a tabata of 20 seconds airsquats, 10 secs rest, repeated 8 times.  We counted our squats, I made 80.  Then we did a WOD starting with a 400m run, then 3 rounds of 8 Deadlifts, (40kg suggested for me), 9 Wall Balls, (I hated these a while back so decided on the 4kg, but soon realised I could now probably do the 6kg Wall Ball, - YAY!), then 20 Kettlebell walking lunges, (an 8kg KB in each hand), - ouch!!!, then a 200m WallBall carry.  The KB walking lunges were the worst here, 3 rounds of 20....nice burn, (although hated it at the time).

Today, hit the gym.  Thought I'd start with the level 10, 1km row, incase I could now crack 4 mins!  I did 4:06....actually a PB from my previous best of 4:08 a year or so ago.  That fatigued me, but went on and did quite a few weights, alternating UB and LB, getting some nice burn.  Attempted the treadmill later for my 30 min run.  I knew I was really going to suffer after the first min, was really caned at 12 mins, about 2.1km, incline slightly up.  I'm too stubborn to drop pace, so terminated it, and did some abs and more tricep work.

Am still loving the paleo styled food.  Have had some social incidences where I've made the best of it, (and ate what was going).  And one evening last week, (after too much wine) I gave into an urge to go and make a avo, cheese, tomato, spinach, cracked pepper wholegrain toasted sandwich, then decided it was so good and made myself another of the same but adding vegemite, all the much more attractive after wine.  But on more nights than not, no wine or beer.

Anyone still reading deserves a medal!, - lots of self centred 'babble' from me lol!  But will be an interesting account, I find it easier and quicker typing than writing sometimes.

Till next time,

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