Sunday, August 11, 2013


6 days of hardcore intense workouts out of 7!  Sometimes more than one intense workout on one day!  Decent incidental activity!
* 5k run split on Saturday was 28:43, - best since March....completed 6.25k in just a tad over 36 mins. * That was after Crossfit WOD Sat morning. * Yesterday completed a team hill climb....other 2 girls were very fast uphill walkers/running so I was pushed very hard the whole 2.5 hours of our hike.  Even on the down hills they had quick footing so I was doing my best.  * I improved on my swim efforts, - managed 60 laps, (1.5k) last week and improved my 40 lap freestyle race by about 30 secs from the previous week, plus my 50m 'split sprints' by a second or 2 on each.  And I pushed it hard at Crossfit last Monday, the gym for almost 2 hours on Tuesday, and the 7.5k run Wednesday.
* Food has been pretty spot on, enough, not too much, decent types.  I admit to some, maybe a bit much alcohol but that normally dehydrates so pushes weight down, rather than up despite calories.  Will really make sure I have less from now on of that!

Weight this morn first thing naked: 80.6
Weight last Mon first thing naked: 79.9  Wed morn at a real sneak peak first thing: 79.7

I was hoping to consolidate well under 80 by now, and be under at least 79.1 at the final weigh in of the Paleo challenge this coming Sunday which illustrates a 5kg loss.

I don't understand it.  Even 2 years ago with the amount of stuff I'm doing weight would have dropped off me lots quicker.  I remember reaching under 68kg the morning after royals Kate and Wills got married, (67.9) and I felt stoked.  My aim was now *staying* under 68!  I kept doing what I was doing, never dreamt I would reach my 'ultimation' of 62kg but 8 weeks later I was there!

I have yo-yoed quite dramatically for probably 18 years weight/size wise.  Of course some people will say 'muscle weighs more than fat' but I haven't put on nearly 20kg of muscle in the last 2 years, that's for sure!  I would be lucky to have put on any muscle in reality in the last few weeks as I believe you need to eat more calories than you burn to gain muscle.  I'd be interested in getting it tested though to see if my lean muscle mass has reached 50kg, - last time I had it tested about a year ago, BF scales said it was 49.7 and that was up 2kg on a few years previous and that was after a good few weeks focusing on both strength, and cardio at the gym in Perth.

I'm over this flabby stomach, size 14 business.  I can get into a couple of 'stretch size 12' pants.  I'd love to be a ripped somewhat muscled machine and re-aquaint myself with the size 10's in my wardrobe.  I want to keep working at strength and intense resistance work as well as speed in running, swimming and cycling again soon.  I'd definitely love to get under to down to 68kg again.  But first, - just staying focussed, into size 12's more properly, stronger than more progression toward a pull up and less flabby middle and under 75kg will be great first up!  I will try to stay away from the scale for a while after this challenge ends on Sunday me thinks!

Also I copped a minor wrist injury, left wrist just a bit weak feeling and clicks with movement....hmmmm, I've not had this before.  Maybe from Kettlebells or something?  Will google that for ideas.  First world concerns, I know!

Till next time
Pip :-)


  1. There are lots of reasons your weight could have gone up but if you were kicking butt in your training it would most probably be fluid retention as your muscles try to repair themselves.

    Just remember that the scales are just one tool to measure progress ... and they are unreliable at best. You are getting fitter and stronger and that's what you should focus on and then your body will catch up and drop the weight.

  2. That is very true Michelle! I definitely have larger muscle groups like glutes and hamstrings repairing themelves, (DOMS) after yesterdays mammouth effort, and upper body DOMS much of last week. Will keep at it, think I may have to work at consistency for longer to get fat loss results now!
