Tuesday, September 11, 2012



I didn't mention on Sunday's post that I had a somewhat sore back.  Sore enough that it restricts my freedom from powerwalking, or if I lean back a bit I get a slight 'spasm' I think feel that's uncomfortable.  And if lowering myself somewhere or getting up, I'm using props a bit, and sometimes halfway through think, hmmm, pain, 'lets change direction'.  In public I'm a bit concious of looking like an unfit older person as I have to grab some railing and get up slowly from a seat instead of jump out with complete freedom!l  Lying completely horizontally on my back feels like magic.  I am not sure exactly what caused this sore back, - but I know it happens on average about once every year or two and lasts about 5 days. 

I never have an 'incident' where it suddenly becomes sore.  I regularly do such stuff as cycle with a relatively heavy uneven load on my back for a reasonable or long distance.  I also often pick heavier loads than most people without thinking straight off the floor, know I can become lazy with bending knees, lowering self to lift properly etc.  Also when feeling slightly 'frenzied/outta the zone' my posture can be really bad I think.  Also, for over 2 weeks I haven't done any disciplined weight training which is very naughty, - however I can't blame this injury on poor form from resistance work!

I left work early yesterday, it was expected to be a quieter day but in the end wasn't!  Working was uncomfy, and I was prob going at 60% my normal pace if that all round.  I do feel guilty putting it down as sick leave, - as I wasn't sick, just injured and ended up having quite a productive but enjoyable afternoon on my arse.  So me being me, will prob deduct those few hours from my annual leave.  I had a workmate and a couple of others tell me though, (them seeing me hobble about):
* 'Go to get it seen to at a doctors, demand being referred to specialist for an x-ray, it's your back, you have only one, don't worry about work till there is no pain!  There may be issues that need treatment/operation/alignment, ....I know of such and such......who needed this and only known from a back x-ray'.....
* 'I have always had issues with my back, unless you regularly see a chiropractor to loosen it, various muscles/bones won't get enough oxygen.  Your back is worth it, you have only one, look after it, chiro appts may not always be the answer but it's better to keep on top of it than not go.  Once your back is stuffed, you lose everything sport wise'! (Enough to put shits up me a bit)

I keep hearing and know of lots of horror back stories.  And at the whiff of a sore back, I am fortunate that many people have shown concern for me. 

Once I went to a doc a few years ago to get docs certificate to be off work cause of a similar sore back - but they also gave me their recommendations, - tried to refer me to a specialist, told me I should have physio.  But the money issues!  That occasion I rang up my parents with the 'sob story'.  Their ideas are:
* backs in a similar scenario to mine mend themselves, as do lots of lightly sprained knees, ankles etc.  By all means google exercises etc, but don't be conned into spending money upfront for physios, scans, chiros etc upfront.  Different scenario if severe pain lasts a good few weeks or if something is broken of course.

In all honesty I have always found this to be the case with me luckily!
Mostly within a few days.  Once years ago I badly sprained an ankle by rolling it in a huge pothole when running , couldn't walk on it for about 3 days, then treaded lightly for a bit.  A few weeks later I could jog carefully but it took a few months to reach the strength of my other ankle.  About 3 months after that injury I explained my injury to a sports physiology tutor and she told me it would never heal fully,.....but it did very shortly after.

With my 'sore back' at the level it is, the luxury would be having this entire week off work, not moving much.  However the 'reality' is working, sucking it up, being a bit careful, even if I only operate at maybe 70% normal speed all round.  Either way, I think recovery time would be about the same.

Oh, I bought a dress from Veronika Maine!  A nice one, (size 14) that fits now, suits shape as best as poss atm, has the potential to be taken in, (not that I have ever done that).  Straight after work I went looking.  I felt a slob in the dressing rooms seeing myself in dirty workclothes, (after working in food, cleaning all day, hair under a cap).  I saw myself from all angles as the angles in Myer show us.  Had no makeup, and pimples were more visible than I thought, I won't even get onto stomach area.

In general, secretly I think I can be quite attractive if I do hair such as straighten and comb it, wear nice natural makeup, concealer, mascara, eyeliner and wear decent clothes.  Optimally I would like to look leaner and more toned, (particularly mid section right now).  I deem best features to be arms, shoulders and legs below my knees, other than that smile!  But I did look like a slob today at all angles in that mirror in work gear, straight after work!

So there we go!

Pip :-)


  1. Aaaaargh change room mirrors. No matter how good or in the least ok we look, they make us look like shit.

    I hope your back settles down soon and I think you're right in that it will on its own. Be careful about chiros that work on the basis of ongoing treatment where you're there weekly (or more often) for their treatments to work.


  2. Thanks Magda, I am sure the back will settle down. 2 more work days this week to get through, then time to sleep and chill :)

    I ended up buying some new shoes on special to match that dress and these shoes are neutral and will go OK with all smart casual clothes and jeans. I hadn't bought any type of half dress shoes in over 2 years! These are summery, comfy light tan sandals with only small heel. Gotta stop spending LOL!

    Other than training, (cause of back) I'm reverted toward on track behaviours again, am confident of being back in full swing (other than training) tomorrow!

  3. I'm with Magda. WHY do that put ridiculous unflattering lighting in changing rooms? They should lower the levels, play relaxing music and subliminally insert the message 'you look amaaazing'. Actually, handing a glass of champagne at the dressing room door would be a fine way to boost sales.

  4. also, you have my full sympathies on the back. I'm a veteran of back pain, and am lucky to have been pain free for several years now, with a few minor twinges. The biggie for me is yoga, keeping my muscles loose.

  5. Sara, thank you for your input! I always value your opinions as well as everyone elses highly! Glad to hear you have been back pain free now for years! As for the changing room mirrors, I was in very slobby dirty work clothes, disgusting shoes with no make up. That along with excess fat pockets and pimples, - blah! If in shape, even better with good muscle tone and no hanging out pockets of fat, no regrowth, nice light makeup, straightened 'done' hair I actually think I'm quite attractive haha!
