Friday, September 6, 2013


Good news first!  I have attained a new PB on the stationary rower on level 10, (the hardest).  1000m in 4:03, (down from previous 4:06 PB a couple of weeks back).  Still haven't cracked the illusive 4 min km......but it's getting closer.  I was trying to keep my stroke around 1:58/500m pace, so I had a little leeway if I slowed a bit behind the pace in the final 30 secs!  I kept up that average for 2 mins 30, before strokes started slightly slowing, instead of really feeling the need to die at the 2 min mark so that is improvement. 

Also tried the leg press at gym, thought I'd try 3 sets of 12 at 80kg.  Even in Perth I think I was only managing 70kg but doing sets of 15.  The last couple of reps killed in each set but I did it!  Then I dropped it back to 70kg, and placed my feet far apart for, then close together for a set of 15 each.  Noticed my shoulder press is improving, plus what I can do on pec machine.  I put my body through lots of different machines, was at least equalling if not slightly improving from my last gym visit.  (I just go to the gym for a casual visit occasionally now).  Thought I'd try an intense 20 min run after that.....but I deemed myself too fatigued after 8 mins at a cracking pace and incline that I decided to finish!

2 hours after the gym visit yesterday I attended a 'skills' session at Crossfit.  This is the first time a full skills workout, (no WOD) has been held and it will now happen monthly, with a different skill each time.  Last nights skill was learning how to kip, as in kip in kipping pull ups.  We started with the Hollow hold, I need to work on that, I couldn't get the hang of turning over and keeping the right posture and position.  I was an un-cordinated mess and kept forgetting what to do and doing everything in the wrong order no matter how much I tried.

Next we got to the bar!  First up we had to hang and swing backward and forward, but using the shoulders, not the hips and with not bending the arms!  I just could not do that!  Yes, I'm good at swinging from the hips!  Everyone else seemed to look to pick it up quickly and look great in action.  Those that use pull up bands tried those for various moves, eventually progressing the the kipping pullup with the band.  I stood in my band, one foot in front of the other and band in front of me as I was told.  But I couldn't move myself back and forward at all without using hips or bending arms except maybe 3 inches max.  I did use the dark blue heaviest resistance band....maybe not so effective for this.  I can do about 7 strict pull ups with it before breaking when I was so far away from even doing 1 when I started!  At the end of the night, after everything I decided to attempt one strict pull up with the green band.  I was maybe an inch or 2 away from getting chin above bar, may have to try it again soon when not fatigued.  I will watch a few videos on google regarding kipping and pick it up over time, not too bothered!

I was trying some hollow holds, airsquats with raising 4kg dumbells when lowering, pushups, tricep pushups and shoulder work this evening.  Then I tried to get in the 'bridge'  (hands overhead, palms facing floor, fingers pointing toward feet, while on feet with back arched).  At last attempt 2 months ago I could do it but not walk one step and it killed.  Tonight I could do it and walk backwards 10 steps, (lifting hands/feet off ground and walking them backwards so I move!)  I couldn't quite manage to go forward though!  As a young teen I remember walking around rooms and down the passage doing this!  So am getting better and more agile at moving my body weight around in my own time.  In the last 2 - 3 months I have got stronger, and am prob down at least 4kg.

Till next time,



  1. I have found the kip such a difficult thing to learn. Keep practicing and you'll get there!

  2. Thanks heaps Michelle! Am loving Crossfit, am keen to see what I can achieve with work! :-)
