Sunday, April 28, 2013

THE PLAN......

To follow on from my last post, I have decided I am ready to implement a slightly tweaked plan regarding my mission to permanently quit binge eating, get in shape, fitter and to stay that way permanently but with some potential balance.  That being:

* keep off the scales for at least 8 weeks to start with.
* No wine ever is to be purchased and opened alone while chilling, - can do so only if sharing it with others or attending a social situation where others are drinking.
* At least 4 alcohol free days per week.  If the desire is there to enjoy a drink, no more than 2 stubbies, (330-375ml bottles) of beer permitted if I choose to chill with a drink in my own company.
* As illustrated in the post below, - I mentioned I can have issues, (if not in zone) with sugary sweet confectionary type foods and drinks plus even deep fried beer battered fish and potato wedges or even a proper pie, (dunno why) from time to time.  If IN the zone the foods don't generally ever bother me at all, but if I start, - I tend to eventually binge, - a mindset I need to lose!  To combat this I have decided to give myself a 1000 calorie weekly budget if I choose to indulge in any of these types of foods, (sweet confectionary/deep fried or foods with pastry) outside of social occasions where I feel slightly out of place if I don't have what has been prepared in moderation.  These indulgences are to be worked in as meals, or parts of meals or snacks, - not just extras on top of normal intake.  I am not going to be paranoid enough, (not the point of this exercise) to worry whether my 1000 cal estimate is infact 942 or even 1012 calories.  However some estimations of about 1000 cals a hit are: an average restaurant serve of beer battered fish with wedges OR 1 medium pie, 50g chocolate bar, can of coke, (not my style), OR a large 'skim' frappucino or smoothie with a piece of caramel slice OR 180-200g chocolate OR 3 small serves of homemade lemon pudding as a mid arvo snack, (over 3 days of course).  I can choose to use none or all of my 1000 cal budget, in a week.  However like alcohol, I can't carry unused calories into a future week.   The purpose of this, is IF I choose to indulge in what have previously been troublesome foods, some boundaries are there and I will always feel better about myself if I keep to my boundaries.

* Now, just need to ramp up training again!  I am well behind now on my running 1000km this year challenge.  Training goal for this week: - 20 running kms, - happy to just jog and make up the mileage without pressure of times/hills yet, 20km bike ride, 2 x Crossfit beginner classes.

Sorry this sounds a bit boring and technical.  It's better and quicker than handwriting it.  Will be back next Sunday to report these doings and eventualities. :-)  Will make sure I wake up tomorrow, (Monday) morning feeling as confident as I do now.

Other news: - have passed all content to do with my study over this first intake, - YAY!


  1. Hi Pip and congratulations on your study achievement. I'm really feeling for the struggles you're having with your emotional eating. Whilst I admire your plans and strategies for managing it, I would encourage you to look deeper into what you're thinking and feeling when you do succumb to a binge. Its harder to do than it seems but well worth it to understand what's driving you so you can determine the most effective way to stop it. I don't claim to have all the answers but when I'm feeling lost, I know the answers are within me.

    xx m

    1. Hey Magda,

      Thank you for your comment! I totally understand what you are saying!

      More recently I had sort of boxed the binge problem as a brain wiring issue where unhelpful habits were formed! Even some of my first childhood memories involved food, - nutritious and less nutritious types and all along food in some way has probably been on my mind more than most.

      So looking deeper, when succumbing to a a binge:, - I experience feelings of hopelessness, (to varying degrees across many areas of my life). My most major feeling of hopelessness is the fact that I haven't nipped this binge/lifestyle problem in the butt for good and that I don't consistently live in line with my core values.

      In saying that, - I know I'm NOT hopeless, I work hard at work and training and when I dedicate myself, am ultra reliable, relatively efficient, friendly, etc etc. I don't want or expect sympathy at all but that's how it is. But I wish I had a qualification more than a certificate, a career I value, skills others value, and I want to manage an overseas adventure every 2 years or so. Another thing of mine, - is I like the thrill of achieving stuff on my own! I know leadership skills don't come naturally, - infact I am terrible and a complete walkover there, (my big efforts to change that haven't yet been successful). guess I have never commanded enough respect and don't know how to do it! The binge eating is a way of stuffing those feelings, numbing out......then gets addictive, - and the old thought, have everything I can possibly ever desire, crack down again 'soon'. Then 'on track' all good! Like you say, I think it can be managed, and answers are within me. The thing is, I'm honestly not sure if my career goal, or even the dream business goal is achieveable for me! I never say never, but trying to be real! Think I can work toward the fitness and travel goals. All good!

    2. *When I say 'achieving stuff on my own', I mean on my own or part of a team. My main point here is I wouldn't appreciate a partner for example who provided everything for me without me having to do much! I am rather independent, I also like working as part of a team with relatively even imput by whoever is in the team!

  2. Looks like you received some solid advice on eating. Keep strong you will succeed. Glad to hear your studies are going well. Bit by bit you will get there. Take care and all the best.

    1. Thank you Teresa for your continuous support here! I always really appreciate it!

  3. Looking forward to the update! Binge eating is a bugger, but I can tell you that it is very possible to overcome it. I have, and a big part of it was getting on the right career path so that I felt like I was really fulfilling my potential, not wasting my life. Therefore, you are doing the right thing. I was 37 when I went back to uni full time (and now I'll probably never leave, but that's a totally different matter, haha), so there's plenty of time for you Miss P! XX

    1. Hey Sara! Thank you for checking in here! Great job on overcoming binge eating, and even better job regarding you getting on the right career path to go toward fulfilling your potential. Lack of decision regarding my career path and how to 'go about life' etc has helped cause self stress/dissatisfaction and the concern I feel am wasting my life with not enough clear direction which I feel confident about fulfilling. After weighing up all options, - I have come to a surprising conclusion, - next post! :-)
