Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Life for me has been busy since my last update.

But unfortunately, about 3 weeks ago my intense training kind of came to a blatant stop/halt.

I was in what I called 'the zone', loving Crossfit, right into running and interval running, (with aim of a sub 25 min 5k eventually), and I regularly was doing pushups, tricep dips, squats, lunges, planks, stuff with dumbbells and stupid things, (like timing myself to do 20 burpees)....all to help with strength and Crossfit.  I loved seeing the improvements, increasing my weights and building up my numbers with pushups on toes/no knees.

My social life seems to have been active as well, - but lots of drinking, late nights and less sleep.  A few months ago a guy from work expressed the fact that 'he liked me lots, wanted to get to know me more'.  We worked together for a few weeks, (seasonal work) but he didn't admit that he liked me till after it finished, although we got along well on a 'workmate' level at work.  To cut to the chase, we have been dating a few months, he keeps saying he is extremely keen on me etc etc.  He is into training, (specifically weight training at the gym) but likes anything to keep fit.  He is a big guy, can bench press 3 sets of 8 at 100kg.  I've told him a few times that I probably see him more as a really good friend than anything else still.  But he and his mates like to drink.  Not just one or two beers in the hour after they get home from work, but big sessions which last a few hours, a few times a week with lots consumed.  I have a tendency to like wine, and he knows it and he often buys a bottle for me when he buys his beer and bourbon for himself.  I keep telling him of my wish to cut back etc, but still, if a bottle of wine is opened, I very rarely don't finish it.  I have to really concentrate on drinking really slowly and sitting on a drink so the bottle lasts a few hours.  If finished early I allow myself to get pressured to open another bottle or drink some beers.  But still, a bottle of wine, say 3 times a week is far too much.  I used to sometimes chill out with a delicious wine at home after Crossfit or the like but I have successfully totally banned drinking alcohol alone at least for a while now.

Anyway, just over 3 weeks ago, I came down with a bit of a cold, was working and also had lots of assignments due at once.  I decided with the assignments, Crossfit had to give for a few nights, (due to travel time and workout time).  The initial plan was to do sets of pushups and the resistance exercises listed above at home so I didn't lose momentum and try to maintain new recent fitness.  That lasted about 2 days.  Then the study frustration, some bingeing come to hit which lead to more, and training unfortunately fully came to a halt.  Whoops. 

I was weighing in and measuring on the 19th of every month, last month was 76.8kg, (good drop) and fitness was starting to happen.  It will be up now a bit on that again, - hopefully still under 80 on a good morning lol.

Other news is that I have applied for a job at the freezing works, (half hour drive from here).  It's seasonal, (sometime in Dec-May) but money is good for those months and work is solid, - 44-45 hours a week or so.  It will be night shift, (4.30-5pm until about 1.30am) Mon-Fri and 11am-4pm many Saturdays and won't suit Crossfit class times so I will have to give that up while at the Freezing Works.  But I can get up, run, train from home or hit a gym before work.  I will still be focussing on similar stuff and work toward doing pullups!  I have a medical tomorrow for the Freezing Works job, providing thats all good, I'm pretty much in so I understand.  After I finish at the works, I believe I will have a couple of weeks off, then other seasonal work from June-early September, then about 3 weeks off, then from Oct through till at least mid November.

My course is going well, I don't have too much left.  Cutting down lots on drinking when in social situations and keeping it that way will be a challenge as long as the c word, (consistency) with training.  If for some reason I decide or satisfy myself it's unfeasible to do the intense planned workout session I have planned for the day, that is ok, BUT instead can I look at doing a shorter or less intense workout?  And at least keep the food controlled and any alcohol consumed in check if I do drink socially?

On another note, someone close family wise to me has admitted they are now alcohol dependent.  Pretty much for many years this person has been a daily drinker, enjoying some wine, occasionally beer and sometimes whiskys in the evening, occasionally lunchtime as well on a Sunday.  But over the last couple of years this has escalated, this person has real trouble sleeping and terrible anxiety levels and uses whisky for that, and throughout the day as well to relieve shakes, anxiety and intense feelings of illness.  The behaviour has intensified over the last few months.  This person admitted it, admitted they can't stop or cut down on their own so are very soon going to a rebab facility to detox and rehabilitate and most likely once the detox starts, will be advised never to drink again.

Till next time

Sunday, September 15, 2013


When I first started this blog in June/July 2011, at that point I thought I'd finished up with binge eating and the like.  I had reached my 'ultimation goal weigh't of 62kg with not as much effort as I thought would be required!  I was just about to run the Gold Coast half marathon, (and did so).  I had imagined I'd maintain a similar size and body composition and problems with binge eating etc would be a thing of the past, I remember feeling fantastic!  I was on half marathon high for a few days, combined with a bit much wine, holiday living etc food choices started getting a bit 'looser'.  This wasn't too much of a problem at this point.  Then I had a couple of days in Sydney before heading to NZ.  When I lived in Sydney for a month in 2003, I pretty much soared up the the heaviest point of my life, (somewhere in the low 90's kg wise).  In 2011 I revisited the urge to 'live it up' for a couple of days and cafe hopped, bought fudge, icecream, handmade chocolates, fudge, cheese, pizza, cocktails etc you name it!  The 'off track' eating continued onto the NZ trip and I returned from that 2.5 week trip about 5-6kg up, still slim by my standards but I was starting to pop out of my size 10s then.  I would have thought I would have gotten straight back on track after the holiday but no, during the following 5 weeks I felt disgusted with myself and gained another 4-5kg.  My then BF then ended our relationship about 5 weeks after my return from the holiday and I was totally gutted at that point.  I'm not blaming my actions at all for the split, but I know he saw me sea-saw with weight and habits for almost 3.5 years. 

The reason I shared the above paragraph is that when I started this blog, I considered all the talk of scales and numbers finished.....'it' was all under control in my world but it didn't take long at all for whatever reasons to lose momentum and fall into familiar ways.

I wanted this blog to document all my interests, specifically photography, travel, adventures, beautiful places, food I consider 'good' which I create, what I like to do to get fit, any snippets of personal news I wish to share plus anything else I consider interesting.  I don't mind sharing occasional snippets regarding my body composition stats, but didn't want this blog to whine on about binge eating and being fatter/heavier/less fit that I want, when I undertook the actions to get that way.  Reading through my posts over the years, I seem to have fallen back to those ways quite often.

My posts of recent have got quite Crossfit related and I am very happy with this. 

Also, I have noticed I can upload photos to facebook more easily than I can to here.  Often the pics are too big or the resolution is too high to post and I haven't figured out how to make them smaller.  However I consider facebook is a good place to post meaningful photos.

Other news, have passed my online course up to date so far without needing to do any resubmissions, - yay!  That means I've passed 6 out of the 8 units of my course.  The final 2 units of the year are about to be sent out.

I have been questioning whether I would start up a new blog again, or re-structure this one.  Hmmmm........

Friday, September 13, 2013


Well, first up I realise I have some awesome news regarding thrusters!  If you aren't affiliated with Crossfit and don't know what a thruster is, google 'Crossfit Thrusters' and watch a video.  Anyways, a few, (maybe 3ish months ago) we did a WOD with running, ringrows and thrusters, in the sequence of 9. 15. 21.  I remember feeling so weak then, I hated thrusters, I used the 9kg bar for my thrusters and I had to break the sets of thrusters down, particularly that last set!  I really struggled to get into and push up from the squat position then.  I took the scaled option for the running too then.

Today, the same WOD was thrown at us again, except in my preferred sequence of 21. 15. 9.....(to get the long sets outta the way first).  And we had the option of unassisted, band assisted or jumping pullups.  We got to try to have a weight where we didn't need to break any sets of our thrusters.
* Today I decided to attempt 17.5kg for my thrusters and the blue band for pullups.  My initial thought was I'd do the scaled run option incase the thrusters took too long.  Well, I got through the first 21 thrusters unbroken! Then managed 15 pullups with chin above bar before needing to take a few seconds rest before the final 6.  As the biggest sets were outta the way I decided to do the RX runs!  And I managed to complete all sets of thrusters unbroken, just a small break in the second set of pullups and did the 3rd set of pullups unbroken.  13:52 was my time, think the WOD had a 22 min time cap.  I now wonder if I could have managed the next jump to 20kg thrusters!  But it's great to have almost doubled my thruster weight in 3ish months!  Our skill component was the box jump, I'm working on my speed and power with the 16 inch box, plus a 20kg plate and am happy with progress.

On Wednesday we had a 'Southland Chipper WOD'.  That involved * a 300m row, 30 box jumps, (could be scaled to 20), 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, (could be scaled as low as 12), 30 walking lunges, (with 12kg KBs for males, 8kg for females or scaled to on their own), 30 knee or full pushups, 30 Wall Balls (with 9 or 6kg), 30 Burpees, 50 single under skips, 30 Back Extensions

I scaled my box jumps to 20 on 16" box.
The Sumo Deadlift high pulls were scaled to 12, using a 16kg KB
I decided to attempt the two 8kg KBs for the 30 walking lunges and managed.
I knew 30 Wall Balls were going to be complete murder after all the other stuff so scaled them to 4kg.
I started with a few full pushups Crossfit style before relegating to knees when it got too 'ouch'.

We could do the activities in any order we pleased and the WOD had a 25 min time cap.  I started with the Box Jumps and tried to go lower/upper/lower body as much as I could.  The back extensions, single unders and 300m row were the easier ones for me, even with using power.  By the time I got to the wallballs I did them in 3 sets I think, ouch!  But the worst was the 30 Burpees which I left till last!  Infact I was making good time till I got them them suckers.  The 30 burpees took me well over 4 mins and I was fatigued as, anyway I finished the WOD in 21:55 so made it under the 25 min time cap. 

So every second day I've added at least 10 burpees done at home to Crossfit 'homework'!
Today I managed one full pullup when practising with the green band, and 3 full chin ups getting better.  And they are strict ones as I still can't kip!  Up to 13 pushups on toes, (not quite the Crossfit pushups but the easier toe ones with a wider grip) and can do about 4 Crossfit ones on it's on  the 'up'. 

Till next time,
Pip :-)

Monday, September 9, 2013

3:58-3:59 1000m Row, Level 10, (hardest)!!!

That can finally be ticked off, achieved today for first time in my life!  I'm pretty sure the clock said 3:58 as 1000m clocked over!  Yay me!!!!!  The first 2:30 I was keeping up 1:56 or so average pace, but I started slipping back, then over the last 45 secs, my strokes were more like 2:03/500m, but I MADE IT!!!  WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I didn't do a WOD today, but headed down to the Crossfit box just to practise some skills on my own.  I had to check I could still do box jumps.  And I thought I'd try chin ups, (reverse hands to pull ups) with the green band.  I could do 2, did 3 sets of 2, before I could only manage 1 in a hit.  I tried the kipping swing after watching some videos on youtube, - they make it look easy but I don't have it yet!  I then tried pull ups with the blue band.  Can do 10 now, first set, then 8 second set, (but 2 extra to finish off on own).  I made it to 7 on the third set, then finished off with 5 on their own.  So improvement there.  But I can't quite make a proper pull up yet with the green band, (which I tried after some squats).  I was trying to lift myself as much as poss with green band, then slowly lower......all helpful things I think!

Over and out now, talk soon!


These are what I need to learn.  As for the hang cleans.....I need to get that in sync, then add weight!  Last night hang cleans were in our WOD, the coach scaled my reps down to try and get me to focus on proper form.  I used a really low weight, (15kg).  I have to think really hard about what I'm doing, and unless I go really slow, I forget the correct form and technique.  I'm gonna have to watch some youtube Crossfit 'hang clean' videos and similar on google and practise with a broomstick or similar till it comes automatic....then add weight and try at Crossfit outside of the WODs.

Talk about pull ups, kipping pull ups, eventually muscle ups (haha)!  However I will be stoked when I learn the kipping swings done on the bar, proper form first up!  As a kid I used to swing on a bar lots, primarily using the hips but I can't get the kipping swing happening yet!  I will watch videos, and practise till I do.  When doing it with a pull up band, the coach said use only the shoulders to go backward and forward.  I couldn't really move myself at all doing this without using hips or bending arms!  So I assumed to do the kipping swing, (no band) on the bar, we only used our shoulders, but then I was told to use the core for that!  I still tried, couldn't get the co-ordination.  It seems as all others in the class have picked up the kipping swing quickly so I'm getting frustrated haha!  I so want to, and when we pick up techniques for stuff, I think we look quite talented and it's such a thrill to do something, such as the 16 inch box jump last Saturday!

Sorry, for those unfamiliar with Crossfit, the above may be a language which you don't understand fully.

I am really keen to pick up my fitness all round at the moment, it is happening by the way, (although I can be impatient!)  I have running, duathlon, and triathlon goals for the coming summer season....and want to be more competitive than last year, attain a sub 25 min 5k run, also improve cycling and swimming.  Swimming has improved a bit.  I'm gonna enter a 10k run in November, am hoping to post a good time I'm satisfied with!  But seriously, lots of my goals are Crossfit performance related. That's learning all the basic moves with proper form down pat, then gradually increasing weights until I attain RX (or close to RX levels) for the WODs.  Plus pull ups!  Strict unassisted eventually, plus this whole kipping thing!  It will keep me busy training wise!

Am working on fatloss, and ideally improving muscle definition too.  Will eventually post some photos.

Till next time!


Saturday, September 7, 2013


I've done it!  After yesterday's WOD I was having a bit of a play on the bar first up, working on my kipping swing, (nah ya, not really happening) and I tried the green band for a strict pull up, - a no-go with that too!  Still the dark blue band!

Before putting the 16 inch box away I was looking at it squarely.  I tried a few jumps beside it seeing if I could indeed go high enough!  Then some Crossfit mates saw me doing this, they came by.  They told me I was easily jumping high enough, - just get over it and get on that damn box!  I was quivering, but after 3 mins or so I did it, landing on the front of the box.  Then another landing on the centre of the box, then another few.  The coach then saw me and grabbed a 20kg plate which may add about 1.5 inches and placed it on top and he got me to jump onto that.  I did first pop, then did 10.  I was told I was clearing it easily and the coach told me he wants me to put 2 plates on top of the 16 inch box when we have box jumps in a WOD.  Hmmm, I was just happy for now to make the 16 inch box!  But will try the next WOD with one 20kg plate on top!  It's a good feeling to attain a new skill!  I had an intense fear of jumping onto that box before, so till now I was using step ups and jump downs when box jumps featured in a WOD.  Thanks heaps to my Crossfit mates!

Saturdays WOD was a team hard WOD!  We competed against eachother in teams of 3.  The coach constructed the teams!

* It started with a 'Buy in Relay'....1800m row or 600m each.
* Then we proceeded to 'Base Station' where we all had to complete 20 KB swings, 20 box jumps, 20 ab-mat sit ups each
* Next each team member had to complete 50 air-squats
* Then we had to complete the 'Base Station' moves again
* Now time for 50 pushups each
* Now back to 'Base Station' to repeat the moves again
* Now time for 25 burpees each
* Now time to repeat 'Base Station' moves again
* Now time for 25 'knees to elbow' hanging from the bar.

I admittably was terrified as I was teamed with who I consider fit and competitive people!  I didn't want to drag them down and sacrifice their possible placings!  Also the coach said, if one team member was really struggling with any of the exercises, they needed to do at least half of the prescribed number, but they could get another team member to finish their reps.  I hoped this wouldn't be me either!

Our team happened to come in first!  And the team did all of the prescribed reps rather than issuing any to other team members.  We set a cracking pace and were first off the rowers!  The fit guy on our team started out with the rowing, keeping up about a 1:37/500m pace, (lvl 10) for the first 600m.  Then it was me, I reckon I averaged a 1:55-1:56/500m pace over the 2nd 600m which I was stoked with, other than the first stroke, they were all below 2:00/500m.  And the other girl on our team cranked out an awesome pace too!

I used the 12kg KB, and the step up/jump downs for box jumps as I couldn't YET do box-jumps!  Most of the girls, (including me) opted for knee pushups as there were 50, and we wanted to finish well!  The guys all did them on their toes.  I'm not good at burpees, my team had to wait on me to finish our 25 each.  Think I was 5-6 burpees behind them!  I got through the knee to elbows first on the bar.  But I scaled that back as I can't get my knees anywhere near my elbows, so I was doing knee lifts up as far as I could, but with grips etc, I did this over a few sets.  My other team members can do proper knees to elbows!  Lotsa fun!

The warm up was a jog around the park and running up and down a grandstand 4 times!

In the arvo, I did the interval 500m 'sub 2:30' runs with 2.5 min walk between each, repeated 6 times.  That hurt, infact on the 4th interval, I was about 2-3 secs too slow, had to deal with a head wind!  But I kept at it! 

Bring on the warm/hot weather I say!  Although here anything in double digits is mild, and heading toward mid teens, awesome!  But while it's not too bad at all, I'm craving temps above 25 degrees! 

I'm trying to ban myself from using the heater at home and instead use the fire as I don't like producing such high power bills and have been given lots of free wood.  The thing is I'm not home for long often, heaters are convenient when relaxing for an hour or 2.  But I'm trying to re-work it! 

Hope it's been a good weekend for everyone!


Friday, September 6, 2013


Good news first!  I have attained a new PB on the stationary rower on level 10, (the hardest).  1000m in 4:03, (down from previous 4:06 PB a couple of weeks back).  Still haven't cracked the illusive 4 min km......but it's getting closer.  I was trying to keep my stroke around 1:58/500m pace, so I had a little leeway if I slowed a bit behind the pace in the final 30 secs!  I kept up that average for 2 mins 30, before strokes started slightly slowing, instead of really feeling the need to die at the 2 min mark so that is improvement. 

Also tried the leg press at gym, thought I'd try 3 sets of 12 at 80kg.  Even in Perth I think I was only managing 70kg but doing sets of 15.  The last couple of reps killed in each set but I did it!  Then I dropped it back to 70kg, and placed my feet far apart for, then close together for a set of 15 each.  Noticed my shoulder press is improving, plus what I can do on pec machine.  I put my body through lots of different machines, was at least equalling if not slightly improving from my last gym visit.  (I just go to the gym for a casual visit occasionally now).  Thought I'd try an intense 20 min run after that.....but I deemed myself too fatigued after 8 mins at a cracking pace and incline that I decided to finish!

2 hours after the gym visit yesterday I attended a 'skills' session at Crossfit.  This is the first time a full skills workout, (no WOD) has been held and it will now happen monthly, with a different skill each time.  Last nights skill was learning how to kip, as in kip in kipping pull ups.  We started with the Hollow hold, I need to work on that, I couldn't get the hang of turning over and keeping the right posture and position.  I was an un-cordinated mess and kept forgetting what to do and doing everything in the wrong order no matter how much I tried.

Next we got to the bar!  First up we had to hang and swing backward and forward, but using the shoulders, not the hips and with not bending the arms!  I just could not do that!  Yes, I'm good at swinging from the hips!  Everyone else seemed to look to pick it up quickly and look great in action.  Those that use pull up bands tried those for various moves, eventually progressing the the kipping pullup with the band.  I stood in my band, one foot in front of the other and band in front of me as I was told.  But I couldn't move myself back and forward at all without using hips or bending arms except maybe 3 inches max.  I did use the dark blue heaviest resistance band....maybe not so effective for this.  I can do about 7 strict pull ups with it before breaking when I was so far away from even doing 1 when I started!  At the end of the night, after everything I decided to attempt one strict pull up with the green band.  I was maybe an inch or 2 away from getting chin above bar, may have to try it again soon when not fatigued.  I will watch a few videos on google regarding kipping and pick it up over time, not too bothered!

I was trying some hollow holds, airsquats with raising 4kg dumbells when lowering, pushups, tricep pushups and shoulder work this evening.  Then I tried to get in the 'bridge'  (hands overhead, palms facing floor, fingers pointing toward feet, while on feet with back arched).  At last attempt 2 months ago I could do it but not walk one step and it killed.  Tonight I could do it and walk backwards 10 steps, (lifting hands/feet off ground and walking them backwards so I move!)  I couldn't quite manage to go forward though!  As a young teen I remember walking around rooms and down the passage doing this!  So am getting better and more agile at moving my body weight around in my own time.  In the last 2 - 3 months I have got stronger, and am prob down at least 4kg.

Till next time,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Well, as I mentioned in the last post, yesterday I'd registered the lightest weight since my return to NZ by 500g, (Nov last year).  That's my lightest weight in about a year now.  Later on in the day I'd managed my fastest 5k since my return to NZ as well....almost goes hand in hand! 

27:47 for 5k, flat route, mainly gravel roads but a few turns.  It was a mild day for here, cloudy, not much wind, about 13 degrees, so it was cold to walk outside in with a short sleeved running top and lycra leggings, but not too bad to once running started!  Actually I was running with an ipod, with quite invigorating songs.  After my garmin told me I reached 5k, I slowed to a recovery jog, (no stopping) for about 700m, then put on a final 'faster killer run' for the last 550m or so to get home.  My previous NZ 5k best was 28 mins, 20 something secs.  So am getting closer to a sub 25 min 5k.  Bring on the warmer weather I say! 

Tonight had Crossfit, the first part of warm up was a 400m row.  After a couple of warm up strides, I could feel without total full effort I was managing average 1:57ish pace on level 10.  Occasionally a 1:53 stroke, sometimes a 2:00 stroke or thereabouts.  I didn't want to fully push my max on the warm up row or lengthen it as the rest of the workout looked horrid.  BUT I am ready to try my sub 4 min 1000m row on level 10 again and see if I can at least beat 4:06 for a km.  If it's not to be, that is fine, but any improvement from 4:06 is excellent and if I can crack 4 mins by any chance....I will have a real nice head swell happening lol! 

We had sprints for skill tonight.  Then we had 'Nicole' for our WOD tonight.  She is...a 400m run, then as many pullups as possible till breaking repeated for 20 minutes!  I used the dark blue highest resistance band....still can't to do any more than 6 or 7 in one hit.  But did 2.8k running and 44 pullups in 20 mins as my first attempt of that benchmark.  A bit of time was spent getting into the band and chalking my hands lol.  Still, 6 or 7 pullups with highest resistance is much better than the one that couldn't manage when I first started!  It was freezing today, only 2 turned out to tonight's scheduled Crossfit class. 

I had at least half a bottle of wine last night at a mates and got a ride home, - too much to drive!  So I had a 6k bikeride to pick up my car today.  Short distance sounding, but so friggin cold and very windy with rain today when biking.  I should have worn gloves I realised after the first 200m!

Till next time :-)

Monday, September 2, 2013


Apologies for the pic!  I can't get it the right way around on my blog, but can on facebook etc.  I can't find a tab here to rotate it!
Saturday was skiing day, up near Queenstown.  It was the first time I'd been in 3 years, was awesome fun!  I'd only done about 3 days skiing before as an adult and one as a kid, so I am certainly at an elementary level!
I did remember on the final day about 3 years ago when at the same skifield, I managed to progress from the learners area to the first beginners chairlift.  I was snow ploughing, or skiing rather slow still with not much confidence and it was a bit of a hit or miss as to whether I could even get off the chairlift without sliding right back over onto butt!
On Saturday I decided not to pay for a lesson, instead try to remember what I'd learnt and try to re-start where I left off.  I regretted the decision of no lesson for the 45 mins or so.  Then I started to get a bit more speed in the learners area.  Next I decided to try the beginners chairlift.  To my amazement I got off the chairlift, leaning forward enough, skis squared up and didn't stack it!  I was was rather tentative and slow but controlled most of the way down, but in the final 100m it got a bit steeper, I lost a bit of control, and decided to fall back on my butt so stop crashing into anyone!
So, I decided to go back to the learners again, practice speed, stopping, turning for a bit.  Soon I felt lots more confident, so headed for the chairlift again.  And then kept getting better and better, faster and faster, and even for the last few runs I was choosing the steeper side of the beginners chairlift to go down, and instead of getting passed by everyone, I was passing others in a controlled manner!  YAY!  And I didn't stack it once getting off the chairlift!  And as the photo shows, the weather was superbly awesome too!  Probably even 10 degrees up the mountain with no horrid cold icy winds!
Other training wise, I have been been targeting my shoulders, back and arms somewhat lately, regularly doing sets of pushups, tricep pushups and the like.  Now as I can do 10, (even 11) pushups on toes again I am pleased.  I have 4kg dumbbells at home, to work the shoulders and triceps but now want to get heavier ones!  I sort of can use my 6kg and 8kg kettlebells for some dumbbell moves.  For KB swings now, I use 12kg.  Biceps are popping out even slightly and I did notice triceps are toning up nicely.  I wasn't even talking about my body, but got the random comment yesterday that my triceps appear to be toning up!  I do need to get my arse into gear for a run today as I didn't yesterday, and I do have Crossfit today as well.  
I wasn't gonna weigh self till 19 September, as the goal is to only weigh in once per month, on the 19th of each month.  BUT, I caved today!  And, going by today I'm down more kg in the last 2.5 weeks than I did for the 10 week paleo challenge almost.  78.3 today, measurements going down for now as well.  More and more of my size 12 (stretch) pants are coming available to wear!  I did try on my pair of levi size 13 cut off denim shorts, (which I bought as jeans when 24). I do need to be sub 75 to wear them, more like 72 for a loose comfy fit I think.  But I can get them done up, just not wearable or comfy yet.  Now to keep off scales till 19 Sept. 
Till next time,
Pip :-)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Yesterday was longer run day.  But I did the 6.25 option instead of the 7.5k as I had Crossfit in the evening.  It wasn't the greatest run, - weather was grey, cool, a bit windy, maybe 11 degrees.  For our standards I've been 'spoilt' having temps like 13 to run in, so even 2 degrees feels notably cooler!  *I must say I miss running in 20 plus degrees, and 30+ in Perth lol!  And the gravel road I run down has a few potholes, has been recently graded and I had to run onto uneven surfaces a couple of times when vehicles came.  I pushed it as much as possible, but didn't look at my garmin till the 5k mark, - time was 30:10.  I felt a bit bummed not to go sub 30 mins, my recent best is 28:39.  But oh well, not terrible!  I felt like walking for the rest of it, was buggered but still kept up a slow jog!  And while running slow and *hating* it, my sister drives past from coming up behind and toots!  I wish she saw me running faster lol!  I finished the run in just over 38 minutes.

Not long after I had Crossfit, warm up was a row, followed by skipping, shoulder mobility, squats and pullups.  We had to do an intense round of squats together, down, hold 5 secs, up quick, straight down quick, another 5 sec hold....repeat repeat!  For the pullups, I found I can do a few, proper form with the dark blue band now with most resistance.  That is big for me, as I couldn't even do 1 when I started Crossfit, could infact only lift self up a few inches.  Skill section was the Overhead squat.

WOD was 12 min AMRAP....(as many rounds as possible)

*5 pullups
*7 overhead squats
*9 box jumps.

I did my pullups with the dark blue band, only 8kg for the overhead squats as I'm still getting the proper technique.  Still haven't mastered a bloody 16 inch box jump so I was stepping up, jumping down as fast as I could.

I got to 7 rounds, and on 8th round managed the pullups and one squat. 

I am happy with my pullup improvement, although on the last couple of rounds I couldn't quite get my chin over bar for the 5th pullup.  A long way to go, but good improvement.  Getting set up in the band took a while, but I managed that on my own.

Now back to some study!  We get our 'Paleo Challenge' before and after pics sent to us by end of this week, I haven't seen them!  It will be interesting to see if any of the changes are visible.  But close to Christmas I will take some more pics....hopefully with awesome changes.  I have been on track since end of challenge, training well, food choices I'm pretty happy with etc.  Not fully Paleo though, - I like my oats, occasional wholegrain burgen bread and brown or basmati rice and feel weird and fussy about eliminating food groups.  Another thing I've started, is having 1-2t flaxseed oil daily, nice mixed into oats or on my omelette, (such as today).  I got a nice chilli flavoured one!

Till next time

Pip :-)

Monday, August 26, 2013

INTERVAL RUNS and PUSHUPS...............

After my attempt the other day, I decided to revisit my 'interval running'.  That is 500m in under 2 mins 30,.......then walk till I hit 5 mins, then another 500m run by 7 mins 30.......etc until I have done 6 running intervals!

I went up and down my road a few times so I could stay on tarseal, and not worry about gravel, pot holes or much traffic. almost the skin of my teeth I made it, running fast enough in each interval!!!  I think in the first couple I set off with a slightly cracking pace, fatiged after about 300m but still held through to complete the intervals in just sub 2:30.  At the end I think I started slightly slower, but really had to pick up the pace in the final 200m to make it.  I actually think I averaged about 2:20 instead of 2:30 for each interval as I wanted to be real sure!  I used my garmin watch for this, a very handy device!  Blimy, that was hard!  I left a water bottle outside my place so if it was a walking interval I was passing by, I may have been able to have a gulp!

Today managed 10 pushups on toes first round before lowering to knees, and 7 on the second.  That's my best effort this year, for probably for 11 months.  I felt I was going quite low too which was good.  I have been working resistance relatively consistently lately, even outside of Crossfit classes.  Oh, also today, I did a 10 minute uphill walk, starting at incline 4, but increasing to incline 7 at 7.4kmph on my treadmill.....a nice little burn before stretching and starting my interval run.

I missed this evenings Crossfit due to my sis and her hubby and my nephews invite to the first meal in their new home!  Was great to be there!  Crossfit though, the next 2 days.

I went hunting for pauas on Sunday, (a shellfish).  Well, my friend did the hunting, and I watched him, and the tides!  Still it was a great powerwalk there, hills involved so some burn!  And lots of clambering over rocks.  He got some too, then he did everything he needed to do to mince them up!  So we had yummy paua patties for tea.  And I was dared to try sea urchin to eat as he gathered one of them too.  I would never think to eat that, and am not in a hurry to have any more but it actually wasn't too bad.

Friday night we had the Paleo challenge party wrap up!  A chance to dress up nicely!  Have to say I was surprised, (even if it was a squeeze, but a wearable squeeze) but I managed to get into my Cue size 12 charcoal suit and wore that out with a Cue size 14 fitted blouse underneath.  Blouse was a bit tight, but not impossibly stupid looking when I took jacket off.  Usually I'd need to be about 3kg less for that suit to start being a possible but tight option, so that was pleasing.  The evening was great fun, top company, nice food.  When it came to buffet dessert, - they had a table with all types of cakes, desserts, sponges, chocolate things, cheesecakes, eclairs, slices etc with a big bowl of fruit salad in the middle.  I had no plan, other than follow the crowd for dessert, wasn't hungry as dessert isn't a habit and I'd just had a good buffet but healthy main.  I KNOW if I started, I would have then found an excuse to want a bit of everything!  Sooooo, I grabbed a good sized serve of fruit salad, then got straight out of the food room lol!  A couple of others did the same so I found out later.

Till next time,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

THIS WEEK..........

 The pic of the toothpick kebabs are what I took to last Sunday's little party after our Helen WOD.  Bits of cajun chicken breast, microwaved kumara chunks, red capsicum and red onion all chargrilled.  Great hot or cold!  Recipe is from Michelle Bridges's cookbook, but hers were large kebabs on long skewers as a meal, but these are coverted to be cocktail snacks.  The ingredients could be changed around as well, these are great!

The other pic is of a Chicken Pad Thai I made, - again from Michelle's cookbook so the calories and macronutrient quantities are pretty good if you train relatively hard and don't have an oversized serve!  I really rate the Pad Thai, it was delicious!!!

Another awesome recipe I made this last week was a chicken and veg soup, in a clear broth from a cookbook I received for my birthday.  I didn't bluetooth the pic to here, but it was delicious too!

Have trained everyday this week, although today will be a day off, but I want to get down and do a quick lounge workout for 15 mins or so later to practise some pushups, and work triceps and shoulders and back, - may even get onto the abs and some lunges too.

Yesterday I tried a new for me interval running was a killer!  As I have it as an eventual goal to run a sub 25 min outdoor 5k....and maybe a sub 50 min 10k outdoors I tried something new.  That was 500m at 5 min k pace, (or just below).  The aim was to finish between 2:25 and 2 mins 30.  Then a recovery walk until I reached 5 mins on my garmin.  I had to start running again as soon as I clocked 5 mins, quickly notice how far I had moved, then add 500m to it so it tests my brain too.  Then I knew the target I had to get to when I clocked 7 mins, 30!  My aim was to repeat this 6 times, (so I ran 6 times, 3k all up, with 6 lots of 2 min 30 sec walks in between).  Well, - I was doing all right till the 5th running interval, then felt so puffed and very uncomfortable about 200m into it, and just stopped, then walked for about 15 mins until I was back to my street, then did a final just sub 2:30 500m run burst down my street!  I did take my 5th interval onto a gravel road, which had been newly graded, and very hard to run fast on!  I will try this again....hopefully getting through all 6 intervals in time in a couple of days!  Think I may just continue to run up and down my road rather than anywhere with gravel just to see if I can do it!  Eventually I will increase the running intervals, decrease the walking ones till I can do 5 plus k continous at 5 min k pace! 

On Tuesday I did a 7.5k run, managed the first 30 mins in 29:39, - had a gravel road to contend with.  I sort of slowed down a bit after that and completed the whole thing in just over 46 mins.

Monday and Wednesday I had Crossfit, - it's bootcamp style and outdoors this week as the pavilion is being used for a huge book sale this week during the day times.  The coaches have the keys to go and get what weights, bars and kettlebells etc we need but we have been doing it outdoors!    Monday's WOD was a killer, - 9, 15, 21 rotation of tricep dips against fence, mountain climbers where you have to go really low, (OUCH), and jump squats, (OUCH).  Then 10 x 10m sprints, a 2 min rest, then 9, 15, 21 of rotation pushpresses, pulsing lunges and side jumps over our push press bar, then 5 x 20m sprints with walking recovery back to start.  I had to take some off my bar for the pushpresses halfway through the '15' set, - originally I was doing 25kg but lowered it to 22.5 to finish it off.  Wednesday we had an awesome tyre dragging, running with it overhead and tyre flipping WOD after an interesting warm up!  Luckily the weather has still been relatively mild by our standards this week!  In the evenings the grass has been nice, dry, not freezing, wet and muddy!

Right, off to do some cleaning, then will proof read and submit my assignment and start the next one!  And we have our dress up, go out for tea Crossfit party tonight!

Pip :-)

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Well, this afternoon today we had our final weigh in and measurements for the Paleo Challenge, which has officially ended as of now!  And we had to repeat 'Helen', our WOD of the day to see how much quicker we were than on day one!

This past week hasn't been the best for me.  I succumbed to the flu/sore throat/cough/cold thing which has been circulating....and had no energy much for a couple of days.  I've had the slightly sore clicky wrist thing this week, plus reasonably intense DOMS on Monday, Tuesday and even slight DOMS Wednesday due to last Sunday's really fast 2.5 hour hill powerwalk lol!  Bottom line was I decided not to train this week.  I felt guilty about that as our training totals go toward our teams training totals.  I pushed it particularly hard week 8 and 9, and reasonably consistently most of the time except weeks 3-4, (where I fell off the wagon somewhat!)  Last weeks weight gain.....I know it's silly but peeved me!  And Monday despite eating tea at like 4pm, but eating some honey and about 100g icecream for throat.....I still was 800g more than the day before!  Eating was off a bit all week as well, but I did take care not to overindulge too much cause of the looming team weigh in today.

Day 1: 84.1kg    Today 81.9kg
Day 1 bust: 110cm      Today: 107.5cm
Day 1 waist: 95.5cm    Today: 89cm
Day 1 navel: 103cm     Today: 97.5cm
Day 1 hips: 103.5        Today: 97.5cm, (sad navel is the same as my hips!)
The thigh measurements I had on my hand had rubbed off, - but each thigh was up about half a cm! 

'Helen' time Day 1: 13:38      'Helen' time today: 11:20
'Helen' WOD is a 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings and 12 pullups repeated 3  times.  I had to repeat the scalings I had on day 1 which were: 8kg for the kettlebells and the easiest jumping pullups.  I was a bit tentative about today's workout cause of my slightly weaker feeling wrists, and with not training for a week.  Oh yeah, I 'wasted' about 10 secs chalking sweaty hands lol!

There are of course differences with measurements with whoever measures you!  I'm sure I pull the tape slightly firmer than the girls today lol, which takes charge of a further 1-2cm.  Weight is very similar to the end of week 2....hmmm!

I do have to say my 'Helen' time and form is significantly improved with is awesome.  Measurements down a bit, - but very similar to the end of week 2! 

As for my weight, - I feel a bit short changed to be down only 2.2kg (which feels piddly) in all honesty.  Whenever I did, (either with an online trainer or self made) 12 week 'challenge' I could always seem to 'blitz' those.  My best effort was going from 85.9kg down to 71.8kg in 12 weeks, - all my own doing/no trainer!  I still got away with drinking too much wine, even diet coke/bourbon, missing some sessions but being reasonably consistent, all round fitness went up.  But I generally always lost at least 8kg on a 'kinda serious' 12 week challenge which I saw out to the end and started in the vicinity of 80kg.  My efforts for this 10 week challenge have at least matched, if not bettered efforts in other challenges I've done.  Yes, - there were little binges I ate at times I didn't admit to, and yes, a written down 'glass' of wine often meant a bottle.  A bottle COULD of been a huge glass, - we didn't have to write the mls of wine we had!  Even so, I used to be able to get away with this stuff, train half consistently and drop weight big time but not so much now!  Yes:, they say Crossfit builds muscle which is heavier of course, but I'm pretty much 20kg heavier than just over 2 years ago when I seemed to get to 62kg, (my young days ultimation) when I was only trying to maintain under 68kg!  I don't feel valid using the 'muscle' excuse!

My results today were average of the crew but good on the workout improvement.  I did want to blitz this thing on the scales though lol and more with the measurements!  However, in general am happy.

* I am wanting to stick to Paleo ways in a sort of 70/30 way, - I do like the food, beliefs....I do love fresh veg, protein, minimal nuts and seeds, fresh fruit etc.  I do want to still include wholegrain bread in my diet, (but maybe 3 days a week if desired instead of everyday), and oats, the occasional brown or basmati rice if I make sushi particularly, but otherwise a little as a carb serve if training hard plus quinoa etc occasionally.  If I desire a scone or muffin made with white flour, as long as I'm happy with it and their aren't too many of such things in a week for my liking, that will be fine.  I know my thing is if I feel 'on' I genuinely desire general 'on track' food, no sugar etc.  But if 'off', I want everything now!  But for my own good, I need to stay mindful and in control of that.  That is similar to what I did on the Paleo challenge although I did have my binges, particularly after too much wine.
* I achieved the 10 weeks with no diet soft drink, no regular soft drink or no packaged fruit juice, cordial etc!  I managed that without too much effort and will defo keep this up! 
* Alcohol, - it's still a sore point for me.  No drinking alcohol/relaxing alone EVER as of tomorrow.  It could be a sad thing that I have a habit of playing on the internet relaxing, with music, with a wine or beer which can drastically escalate!  That part of my life is over now!  Also, if I choose to drink socially, (with others who are drinking), - I will stick to either half a bottle of wine max, or 3 beers (stubbies but if at a pub I could bend it occasionally to pints), or 100ml spirits, (thinking vodka, mixed with soda water and freshly squeezed lemon or lime, - that is nice).  I am sure very occasionally I may slightly go over this, that is fine, but it needs to be rare and for a special occasion!  I don't want altered sleep patterns or hangovers ever!
* I am wanting to keep up a relatively, (for me) heavy workout schedule, - either 2 Crossfit a week plus a skills session or 3 WODs a week.  Add to that, I would love to say 20k running but may accept 15k running per week now, plus a swim of at least 1.5k.  And really need to start bike riding, - even a 20k ride a week or brick 'run/ride' session'.  In addition to that, about 3 times a week in the evenings I like to randomly get down for a few sets of pushups/lunges or squats/tricep dips/shoulder work/plank....say as a study break or while listening to TV, each of those sessions lasts about 15 mins and creates some burn.  I want to work on consistency, achieve some PB's and aim to achieve a pullup unassisted in say the next year amongst stuff!  And want to enter runs, some duathlons and triathlons.  Plus I do quite a bit of incidental activity mostly so I should burn reasonable calories lol!
* For the workout schedule to work, - I need adequate rest, - at least 7 hours lights out, and don't want this deterred by too much alcohol, or even too little food close to bed time.  I know sometimes I can eat lightly, - say 120g chicken with a garden salad or stirfried veg, sometimes including a half fist of kumara, lemon juice at 5pm, have Crossfit at 7pm, eat either a small tin of tuna or another 100g chicken, maybe a little salad or an apple after Crossfit with water, then still hit bed but feel supercharged and barely sleep sometimes!  I don't feel hungry, but not full either, just too alert to want to sleep.  But I eat lots more in the morning, including more carbs and it takes a while to get alert sometimes.  May practice some tweaking to this if I find sleeping too scarce within the next weeks.
* I have made a totally firm decision to drop my weigh ins and measurements back to once a month.  And I will take my weight and measurements on the 19th of each month, - it's my birthday, and the 19th signifies lots of birthdays in my family!  If I'm not home on the 19th, no dramas but it will be the morning I'm next home.  I still think once a week is too regular...if wanting to see a good trend.  1 month, if being consistent properly in all areas, it's reasonable to see a result in the right direction I think.  This month I buck the trend and will use my measures and weight from today.  I got on my scales this morn which I know are within 100g of the Crossfit ones!  Am aiming to smash at least 3kg by 19 Sept, (to bring me to the 78.9 or less), then at least 2kg per month that follows, - should have me sub 75 by summer almost lol!  I don't know about ellusive 62 but sub 75 is still really exciting me right now!

Another long winded one this was!  Till next time!

Pip :-)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Freakin on the up MORE......

I know I should not have got on the scales again this I did yesterday, but was hoping they would come down, particularly as I have the group 'weigh in' on Sunday for the Paleo challenge.

Yesterday I took a day off training.  Unfortunately I'd succumbed to the sore throat/tickly throat/cold thing I hoped to happily avoid.

And I had/still have DOMS from Sunday's power fast steep hill walk/run, - 2.5 hour trip.  Still feel like a nana walking somewhat!

And my left wrist is a bit weaker feeling/clicks more than normal when rotating it.  I am slightly my tentative opening jars etc.  Nothing overly serious, I can't think of any time I actually injured it but gee, my wrists are something I guess I normally take for granted and don't think about.  If my wrist doesn't come back to normal soon, it will affect training.

Well the 70's was short lived it seems.  The 79.9 I briefly saw last week.  80.6 yesterday.  81.4 today!  Admittably I ate some icecream that had been in the freezer for ages, but 100ml tops, and had a teaspoon of honey on it.  First time I'd felt like anything of that nature in ages but with a sore throat, and trying to study I just want to EAT, (not from more hunger than normal but temporary pleasure!)  But I had nothing otherwise excessive to eat, and I ate a light tea, and early....hoping that would help jolt the scales back! Only yesterday and today I could kill for the handcrafted Patagonia chocolate and caramel gelato (made on premises) that is up in Queenstown, just over 2 hours drive away lol!

I did have an omelette with silverbeet, pepper and feta on one slice of toast today, (no butter this morn) after I weighed.  Even though feta was reduced fat, the sodium in that will probably spike weight further.

The thing is, with the amount of effort with getting fitter, diet etc I've put in.....I've never stayed anything like this fat or heavy before for this long!  I love Paleo but can't say it's that, as I've been doing the Paleo thing only in a VERY modified version.  Maybe I've done more strength training than I do on average when I train and that with repairing muscles, they are holding fluid.  But another guess is, - what I reading.  The more one yo-yos, the harder it is to lose and it eventually catches up one day.  I have yoyoed drastically, also now being 33 I think I need to be consistent for longer.  An example of the yoyoing is that yesterday I really had to fight with myself not to gorge on chocolate, copious amounts of icecream, caramel sauce, cheese, Thai noodles, even a bit of battered fish and1-2 potato wedges.  But the funny thing is I had no desire to gorge on or eat these foods for a good few weeks leading till yesterday.  But if I'm grumpy/out of sorts, sore throat, injured, having to study, the habitual 'urges' spring upon me lol and it's hard not to give in, or to choose something small and stick with I feel something 'small' opens the door further to more 'desires'!

Will talk soon!


Sunday, August 11, 2013


6 days of hardcore intense workouts out of 7!  Sometimes more than one intense workout on one day!  Decent incidental activity!
* 5k run split on Saturday was 28:43, - best since March....completed 6.25k in just a tad over 36 mins. * That was after Crossfit WOD Sat morning. * Yesterday completed a team hill climb....other 2 girls were very fast uphill walkers/running so I was pushed very hard the whole 2.5 hours of our hike.  Even on the down hills they had quick footing so I was doing my best.  * I improved on my swim efforts, - managed 60 laps, (1.5k) last week and improved my 40 lap freestyle race by about 30 secs from the previous week, plus my 50m 'split sprints' by a second or 2 on each.  And I pushed it hard at Crossfit last Monday, the gym for almost 2 hours on Tuesday, and the 7.5k run Wednesday.
* Food has been pretty spot on, enough, not too much, decent types.  I admit to some, maybe a bit much alcohol but that normally dehydrates so pushes weight down, rather than up despite calories.  Will really make sure I have less from now on of that!

Weight this morn first thing naked: 80.6
Weight last Mon first thing naked: 79.9  Wed morn at a real sneak peak first thing: 79.7

I was hoping to consolidate well under 80 by now, and be under at least 79.1 at the final weigh in of the Paleo challenge this coming Sunday which illustrates a 5kg loss.

I don't understand it.  Even 2 years ago with the amount of stuff I'm doing weight would have dropped off me lots quicker.  I remember reaching under 68kg the morning after royals Kate and Wills got married, (67.9) and I felt stoked.  My aim was now *staying* under 68!  I kept doing what I was doing, never dreamt I would reach my 'ultimation' of 62kg but 8 weeks later I was there!

I have yo-yoed quite dramatically for probably 18 years weight/size wise.  Of course some people will say 'muscle weighs more than fat' but I haven't put on nearly 20kg of muscle in the last 2 years, that's for sure!  I would be lucky to have put on any muscle in reality in the last few weeks as I believe you need to eat more calories than you burn to gain muscle.  I'd be interested in getting it tested though to see if my lean muscle mass has reached 50kg, - last time I had it tested about a year ago, BF scales said it was 49.7 and that was up 2kg on a few years previous and that was after a good few weeks focusing on both strength, and cardio at the gym in Perth.

I'm over this flabby stomach, size 14 business.  I can get into a couple of 'stretch size 12' pants.  I'd love to be a ripped somewhat muscled machine and re-aquaint myself with the size 10's in my wardrobe.  I want to keep working at strength and intense resistance work as well as speed in running, swimming and cycling again soon.  I'd definitely love to get under to down to 68kg again.  But first, - just staying focussed, into size 12's more properly, stronger than more progression toward a pull up and less flabby middle and under 75kg will be great first up!  I will try to stay away from the scale for a while after this challenge ends on Sunday me thinks!

Also I copped a minor wrist injury, left wrist just a bit weak feeling and clicks with movement....hmmmm, I've not had this before.  Maybe from Kettlebells or something?  Will google that for ideas.  First world concerns, I know!

Till next time
Pip :-)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



Firstly, in regard to Crossfit....I do kind of wish I went last night.  Just after my carb serve, (smallish bit of microwaved kumara otherwise known as sweet potato) and another hour of rest....I felt like I could of pushed out a reasonable effort.  I had the faint idea it was going to be a 'team WOD' yesterday as I saw someone talk about that on FB today who did the 6.15am class, and we follow the same protocol in the evening classes that day.  The thought of being fatigued, my teammates yelling at me (with encouragement)....made me decide to pull the pin.  Definitely will get there Sat morning though!

Anyway today was 'swim day'!  I started out with my usual 40 laps freestyle, (1km) at pool, I beat last week by about 45 seconds for a was pleased with that!  After some water slugging, I did 4 lengths backstroke, a couple of doggy paddle lengths, 4 lengths holding 2 kickboards working on strong fast kicks...nice leg burn!
Then decided to do 3 lots of 50m 'sprints' again....I kept up last weeks pace for all of them, even think I improved each 50m sprint by 2-3 seconds.  I had done a couple of kickboard laps between each 'sprint', - anyway I totalled 60 laps today!  1.5k that is!

It was quiet there today, - great for me, - probably only 2-3 other swimmers so the lifeguards and staff weren't too busy.  As I got out, I had a lifeguard young lady come up to me.  She said, 'How was that swim, I don't mean to be rude but'...........

I thought 'here we go again'.....expecting to be about to be informed how un-efficient, (un-co/awkward looking) my swimming technique is.....maybe then try to be sold swimming lessons etc.  I'm very used to be told in most sports that my form/technique would benefit from lots of improving!

But no, she said, - 'How was that swim, I don't mean to be rude but you need to buy smaller togs!'  I smiled, told her I have had these a few years!  But my first thought was, 'have I been showing indecent parts of my body'?  I assessed myself, - my togs are navy blue, a one piece Roxy surf brand with muscle back set.  The bottom of the muscle back comes half way up my back, (not just covering bum) and togs aren't high cut.  She then pointed to the gaping bit at bottom of muscle back that my back doesn't quite fill out, - revealing nothing!  She then said that one of her observations was that too many young ladies with fit looking bodies wear 'nana' like togs!  OK, I felt flattered at being labelled 'fit' as I still have quite some way to go.....but I guess compared to her, she considered me fit!

Maybe I might go and get my size 12 sports tankini out, I would usually want myself lots leaner and at least under 75kg before I would even consider bringing that out, even then there are many 'overhanging bulges' still.....but it is tight!  But I don't consider the current overhang as attractive lol!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hello today!

Am feeling slightly guilty as today I decided to not turn up to a Crossfit WOD this evening, and rescheduled it for Saturday morning.  If we can't attend a WOD we have booked in for, we can get online, cancel the booking and put ourselves into another WOD in the coming week where there is a spare gap as long as we give an hours notice.  I gave an hour, 5 mins notice.

Monday's WOD was lots of squats, walking lunges with kettlebells plus more!  Tuesday morning, (yesterday) I decided to go hard at the gym with my mate for somewhere between 1.5 and 2 hours.  Today I wanted to get an outdoor run in, (easy pace).  I've got DOMS on quite a few muscle groups today, not severe but enough to know I've trained!  My 7.5k run took 50:30 today so not fast, and my legs had that slight fatigue/lead feeling.  But good to be training endurance a bit. 

As for Crossfit tonight....I thought....just go/suck it up?  It's swim day tomorrow!  OR....change it to Saturday morning.  After much umming and arring.....Saturday morning won out.  But there weren't many booked into tonights class, so we would have got great form/technique tuition.  I will get back to studying this evening, but feel like going to have a hot bath with a glass of wine right now lol!  

Hmmmm, the life of training and wanting to get yesterday!!!


Tonights food, (I won't put up too much of what I eat, but may put up a couple of things over the coming days!)

Tonights yum tea, seared salmon with fresh lime juice from leftover limes, garlic, cracked pepper, salad of lettuce, cherry toms, cucumber, red onion, 1 egg, capsicum, 10g feta, 5 chopped almonds, balsamic, small piece microwaved kumara, - yum! 

Monday, August 5, 2013



Well last week ended up being a rather productive week on the workout front.....except Sunday, which was too sedentary for my liking!  Was up too late Saturday night, so up too late Sunday, still tired and spent a couple of hours catching up on internet stuff, reading Sunday paper, and got coaxed into watching a long movie.

Last week managed:
Monday: - 4.45km run, - 28 mins....then on the powerwalk home I did a 1k 'sprint', 5:17 and a bit later down the road a 500m 'sprint', 2:30.  Then intense Crossfit WOD that evening.

Tuesday: - Swim, well over 50 laps of 25m pool, think I wrote it down last post. First 40 laps, (km) as fast as poss, I clocked 28 mins for that.  (I need to improve but that is my best effort ever).  Then some lengths with kickboards....working legs, and backstroke, and doggie paddle.  Then 3 lots of 2 laps, (50m)....going as fast as poss, and I managed each 50m in ever by about 15 secs for 50m!  I was stoked, think I'm kicking harder now and stroke must be a bit more efficient.

Wednesday: - Treadmill run, - 32mins....started off at 10.2, incline on 1.  After the 16 min mark I kept putting the speed up .2 every couple of mins, then for the final min, put the incline up to 2, and had speed on about 12.6 by memory......just to totally waste me to full max!  Ouch.....and puff puff!!!

Thursday: A casual gym visit with my mate, I found a way to make the Crosstrainer cane me in the warm up, then many different weights machines, focussing on upper and lower body, going upper...then lower.  I was doing 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps, occasionally having to break briefly mid set as I'm stubborn about lowering weights, (did once though)!  Then attempted 1km level 10 rower, 4:13 after weights, and then squats and a bit for shoulders with 5kg dumbbells.

Friday: Day off, light incidental activity throughout day.

Saturday: Crossfit WOD in morning.  After a warmup including jogging, walking lunges with plate, pushups, shoulder press/squat things, running with a plate, (5kg), then tyre flips, we were then to work on our 1 repetition maxes for shoulder press, deadlifts and back squats.  Shoulder press: 27.5kg for me.  Trainer wasn't happy with my deadlift technique so wouldn't let me go past 55kg for them, but I could do a good few at that weight like 3 sets of 12 I I had to.....almost 'OK' technique he said.  I think I had 32.5 on my bar for my 1RM back squat, I can do heaps of them, (a songs worth) at that weight going as far down as having my butt in line with knees...such as I've done at body pump over the years.  But he wants me going lower, (nearly butt to ground like he does!) so to do that I need to go lighter by quite a bit! 

After our Paleo brekkie I asked to see if I could try a pullup with the easiest dark blue resistance band.  About 3 weeks ago I could only get myself up a few inches, no where near getting chin above bar.  WELL:  - I did 3, and got chin above bar, I was firstly EXCITED AS!  Then on the 3rd rep I realised I was swinging my legs out front, - damn!  So I hung in the starting position again for a few seconds, thought....straight up Pip!  Damn, I was about an inch or 2 away from getting my chin above bar, and did that 3 times.  I may have been able to do it properly the first time if I hadn't done the 3 kipping style ones with the band.  But either way.....great progress from me!

I needed to go on a run Saturday I didn't run on Friday.  I did my outdoor 6.25km route, it was a 'nice mild arvo' for my standards.  That is about 13 degrees, some sun and cloud and no wind  or rain....acceptable to go running with a singlet/no beanie or gloves etc as long as I shower/put on warm clothes at completion!  I did it in 37:09 which was a vast improvement from the previous week's attempt of 41:30!  Clocked the first 5k in 29:29, nothing yet to write home about except it's the first time I've gone sub 30 mins for 5km since March this year outside!

As well as that, I've been doing a few pushups, going from as many toes as poss, then to knees.  Plus dumbell shoulder raises, airsquats.  Not alot, but a couple of sets of 20 of each on a couple of different days.  I probably need to also do a bit more back work to help toward pullups eventually!

Monday, (yesterday) morning I weighed in, probably a bit dehydrated, (a couple of beers the night before.....and tea was early).  But 79.9 it was.  That can bounce around by about 2kg in a day by the way.  It needs to be consolidated under 80....and working toward sub 75kg.

Crossfitted it last night.....after our warmup, (hard enough) we did a tabata of 20 seconds airsquats, 10 secs rest, repeated 8 times.  We counted our squats, I made 80.  Then we did a WOD starting with a 400m run, then 3 rounds of 8 Deadlifts, (40kg suggested for me), 9 Wall Balls, (I hated these a while back so decided on the 4kg, but soon realised I could now probably do the 6kg Wall Ball, - YAY!), then 20 Kettlebell walking lunges, (an 8kg KB in each hand), - ouch!!!, then a 200m WallBall carry.  The KB walking lunges were the worst here, 3 rounds of 20....nice burn, (although hated it at the time).

Today, hit the gym.  Thought I'd start with the level 10, 1km row, incase I could now crack 4 mins!  I did 4:06....actually a PB from my previous best of 4:08 a year or so ago.  That fatigued me, but went on and did quite a few weights, alternating UB and LB, getting some nice burn.  Attempted the treadmill later for my 30 min run.  I knew I was really going to suffer after the first min, was really caned at 12 mins, about 2.1km, incline slightly up.  I'm too stubborn to drop pace, so terminated it, and did some abs and more tricep work.

Am still loving the paleo styled food.  Have had some social incidences where I've made the best of it, (and ate what was going).  And one evening last week, (after too much wine) I gave into an urge to go and make a avo, cheese, tomato, spinach, cracked pepper wholegrain toasted sandwich, then decided it was so good and made myself another of the same but adding vegemite, all the much more attractive after wine.  But on more nights than not, no wine or beer.

Anyone still reading deserves a medal!, - lots of self centred 'babble' from me lol!  But will be an interesting account, I find it easier and quicker typing than writing sometimes.

Till next time,

Tuesday, July 30, 2013



Well, - where to start haha!

* In line with my last post, I have achieved something off the list, - so this wins first place!  Last night at Crossfit, I used a 12kg kettlebell for the first time instead of an 8kg kettlebell in the WOD and managed that.....with satisfaction!  We had a challenging warm up and skills section, and the WOD was an awesome fun gymnastic based Hero one.  It went, 400m run, 21 kb swings, 15 whatever they call those hang bar swing, lift knees and curl to stomach thing....(and that was my scaled option) plus 9 ring row dips.......repeated 3 times for time.

* I loved the ring row dips, am in awe at watching the pros complete them, (and Olympic gymnasts!)  Non scaled version is calves, 90 degree angle behind thighs.  Lower arms till straight, then lift back up time 9!  I used a purple band.....and had to let some overhang.  However I completed 3 sets of 9 of these, a couple of rests along the way.  And twice I wasn't happy with the last rep as I didn't straighten my arms fully so I made myself repeat them.

* I was very happy to complete a WOD......3 lots of 21KB swings....first time on 12kg....a noticeable jump from 8kg.  At about 17 on each set the fatigue set in, but I completed the 21 each set proper form without breaking!  New standard for me now is to use 12kg KB for each WOD for a while....until I decide to brave the 16KBs obviously!  The 15 hanging bar, knees to chest, feet together  controlled lifts, (scaled) was a challenge!  I had a small break at the 10 point of each set!  WOD completion = 17:40 for me.

* I did a run to my parents yesterday arvo for a job.  4.45km flat.  28 mins flat.  Nothing spectacular at all, but not a bad result considering where I'm at currently.  I worked it hard.  I powerwalked most of the way back....but on one road decided on a 1km time trial!  I was going OK till 2 cars decided to come....and I had to step down and jog on uneven ground to let each pass!  My 1km time trial was 5:17 going by Garmin GPS watch....buggered!  I think at a fit point it was about 4:30.....something to work toward!  After some more walking I then tried a 500m sprint!  It fatigued me fully, but I did it in 2:30!  A few hours later yesterday was Crossfit!

* Today I trained the pool!  I was focusing on pace and technique and my first job was 1km freestyle....40 laps of 25m pool.  I managed just sub 28 mins for that today....not the 30 mins or slightly over that it normally takes me when I attempt!  I then did 4 backstroke relaxation lengths, a couple of doggie paddling, 4 of holding kickboard/vigorous kicking.  Then decided on 3 50m time trials freestyle as fast as poss....about 2 mins rest between each set so nothing yet overly structured.  I can report, over each 2*25m laps as fast as poss, my freestyle time was 1min, 10 secs.  I can't do the professional 'curl under' at end of each lap like the pros.....that could slow me down up to 5 secs!  However, I'd never seen my attempts of that under 1:25 3 times, I improved on my PB by 15 secs......this may pay off for triathlon season!  I have spent some time trying to slightly improve my swim form and technique, (which some would argue is still horrid!)  Very pleased with that though!

* Am down a few cms....bare skin 84-85cm waist, 93cm stomach, 102cm bust, sitting between 80-81kg (height 1.71m), you know time of weigh in/hydration levels affect morning weigh in!.  About 4kg gone in 7.5 weeks.  Measurements go up by a cm or 2 even with a thin top on! Defo a bit fitter and stronger.

* The birthday cake still remains frozen.  I average about 1 bit a day of birthday fudge or chocolate, (20g max) so there is still a good amount left in fridge...almost 2 weeks later!  I have had a couple of different type of meals of late.  One meal last Friday was my mate deciding he wanted to treat me with his 'home smoked salmon' and garden salad!  We went shopping sourcing salmon fillets which he bought!  His 'smoked salmon' marinates in honey, and is smoked in his garden oven, no other ingredients so Paleo indeed and delicious!  I did inform about my max for a serve, if he wanted to buy a 400g plus fillet, it was all his!   He 'pffffeeed' at that, (I only put up a small argument), even though he is into the gym, I do think we ended eating about half of a 420g fillet each, off one plate.  He made tea yesterday after Crossfit!  If it was me at home, I would of had my mince/veg serve on some spinach or silverbeet, but did end up having it on a small/reasonable serve of his fresh pasta.  I was slightly fuller than I needed to be last night, but had less brekkie before todays swim....hopefully balancing it!  Big thing though = no bingeing or out of control eating despite life's doings!  Still haven't had any soft drink or diet soft drink in.....almost 8 weeks!  Closest is a serve or 2 of veg V8 juice, no fruit juice!

Have to say I really love Paleo food, and the principals soon, - it's delish, feels great!

Weather here has been rather mild 'mostly' the last 2 weeks for our standards!  That means highs in the double digits.....up to 14-15 degrees on the really good days as a max!  Either sunny or cloudy with minimal wind = not bad training weather as long as we can get warm straight afterward!  Normally this time of year we are looking at windier/wetter less pleasant weather with ave tops in the 5-10 degrees I am glad I have been utilizing our weather recently for outdoor runs!  The weekend after the Catlins....I even spotted a split temp of 18 degrees!  That has never happened in July!  Generally we are lucky to see over 10, often closer to freezing, and it's windy, wet and unpleasant.  What I Perth, or Brisbane......our days would be BEYOND FREEZING, UNBEARABLE, but as I was expecting the worst, I take the days which are better than expected!

Will catch up again soon, it was a long post for tonight from me!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Hello, I have been giving this some thought lately!  With Crossfit I look forward to improving with everything!

Firstly I will start with the Crossfit related objectives.  OK, I will call them 'objectives' as I don't want to put pressure on myself with dates they 'need' to be accomplished with.  More than anything, I want to be happy with my commitment to training and consistency with leading a lifestyle to my liking but here goes!

* Accomplish the bloody 16 inch box jump.....Crossfit style!  Once first, then again.....then say work toward 5 reps, then work at being able to  complete my WODS using that level!  Now in my WODS I have to turn the box around and make it higher and do step ups if there are lots of reps.  The other instructor lets me do a couple of steps run up before jumping with power, feet together onto the 16 inch box.  I can do quite a few 16 inch jumps with a run up, but not often time for that in a WOD.  It is intimidating looking, I am scared of breaking my ankle trying it still lol!

* Improve with pullups!  OK, EVENTUALLY do 1, then 2 full unassisted pullups.  But for now I will be very happy when I can use the resistance band, (with most resistance, - dark blue band) and manage 1 pullup with getting my chin above the bar!  Then will aim for 2....etc....once I can do a few reps, obviously I will try the next band up.  With the easiest band, I can now move myself up a bit, but am embarrassed to admit I can get my chin very close (or above) the bar at all!  Am now doing the jumping pullups from the box, or ringrows trying to push myself with these as much as possible.

* Gosh, it will be good to be able to use at least a 15kg bar in WODS for front squats, thrusters, overhead squats.  I can use these in the skills bit, but when it comes to a WOD and I'm already fatigued, I can't manage these weights yet.

* All the girls (except me) seem to use a 12kg kettlebell for kb swings in WODs, and there are normally at least 30 in a WOD, sometimes a few sets of 20-30.  Some girls even use the 16kg kettlebells.  I am still using 8kg kbs in the WODs.  I picked up a 12kg kb, noticed it was a big jump up from the 8kg.  (There are no in between 10kg options!)  I definitely couldn't do anymore than maybe 1-2 swings with the 12kg kb....but there isn't time in a class to try.  I aim to in the not too distant future make the 12kg kb my standard!

* I just need to master and automatically remember all the basic Crossfit moves with correct form.  Firstly I wasn't going deep enough in my squats, now I'm informed I'm going too low and deep, (probably why I'm fatiguing with not really a heavy bar).  I keep needing to practice air squats out of Crossfit. I hate it when I have to do 3 plus sets of 30-40 plus of them!

There is a new booking system.  At the moment I'm aiming to make 2 Crossfit sessions a week, but with the new system, for $30 extra a month I can attend unlimited WODS, and even if I don't go to a WOD, I can come and practise skills self directed at the box when a WOD is on and gradually work on sets with more reps etc.  That will be good for me with bumming around with the 16 inch box, dark blue resistance bar, 12kg kettlebell etc, while I get my skills and reps up.  So if I go to 3 WOD's a week or even 2 WOD's and one skills session, I will feel pleased with that effort.

* In addition to that I want to keep up my running, (aim for 20k a week outside of Crossfit), - some longer outdoor runs, others being treadmill efforts and interval/hill work, do a swim every week or 2, and some either road or mountain biking, (which I've been a bit slack with).  Will be good to work toward a sub 50 min 10k, sub 25 min 5k and also enter some not too long duathlons and triathlons.

As for body composition goals/weight goals, I'm not totally sure.  Body fat down close to 20% would be nice, some muscle definition, awesome!  With my Crossfit objectives, I will be doing more consistent strength training than before.  I wonder if I will fit my size 10 clothes again?  And if I did, would I need my weight in the low 60's, or would I achieve the same feat in the mid-high 60's with more muscle?  Hmmm.  That tiny looking little dress, those narrow tiny looking jeans!  Believe it or not but I actually had a size 9 pair of Levi's, (they have a little bit of stretch in them) which actually fit just over 2 years ago!  They all look so small now!  It would be nice to fit all that gear, but getting comfortably into standard size 12's would be nice for now!  Getting below 75kg, (well 80kg first of course) will be a good relief first up!

I have been doing the odd few sets of pushups at home, starting with as many as poss on toes, and the like to try and build upper body a bit, to help toward attaining the next level with my pullups!

So, this is where I'm at now!  Will keep you informed when I reach little mini milestones. :-)