Monday, September 2, 2013


Apologies for the pic!  I can't get it the right way around on my blog, but can on facebook etc.  I can't find a tab here to rotate it!
Saturday was skiing day, up near Queenstown.  It was the first time I'd been in 3 years, was awesome fun!  I'd only done about 3 days skiing before as an adult and one as a kid, so I am certainly at an elementary level!
I did remember on the final day about 3 years ago when at the same skifield, I managed to progress from the learners area to the first beginners chairlift.  I was snow ploughing, or skiing rather slow still with not much confidence and it was a bit of a hit or miss as to whether I could even get off the chairlift without sliding right back over onto butt!
On Saturday I decided not to pay for a lesson, instead try to remember what I'd learnt and try to re-start where I left off.  I regretted the decision of no lesson for the 45 mins or so.  Then I started to get a bit more speed in the learners area.  Next I decided to try the beginners chairlift.  To my amazement I got off the chairlift, leaning forward enough, skis squared up and didn't stack it!  I was was rather tentative and slow but controlled most of the way down, but in the final 100m it got a bit steeper, I lost a bit of control, and decided to fall back on my butt so stop crashing into anyone!
So, I decided to go back to the learners again, practice speed, stopping, turning for a bit.  Soon I felt lots more confident, so headed for the chairlift again.  And then kept getting better and better, faster and faster, and even for the last few runs I was choosing the steeper side of the beginners chairlift to go down, and instead of getting passed by everyone, I was passing others in a controlled manner!  YAY!  And I didn't stack it once getting off the chairlift!  And as the photo shows, the weather was superbly awesome too!  Probably even 10 degrees up the mountain with no horrid cold icy winds!
Other training wise, I have been been targeting my shoulders, back and arms somewhat lately, regularly doing sets of pushups, tricep pushups and the like.  Now as I can do 10, (even 11) pushups on toes again I am pleased.  I have 4kg dumbbells at home, to work the shoulders and triceps but now want to get heavier ones!  I sort of can use my 6kg and 8kg kettlebells for some dumbbell moves.  For KB swings now, I use 12kg.  Biceps are popping out even slightly and I did notice triceps are toning up nicely.  I wasn't even talking about my body, but got the random comment yesterday that my triceps appear to be toning up!  I do need to get my arse into gear for a run today as I didn't yesterday, and I do have Crossfit today as well.  
I wasn't gonna weigh self till 19 September, as the goal is to only weigh in once per month, on the 19th of each month.  BUT, I caved today!  And, going by today I'm down more kg in the last 2.5 weeks than I did for the 10 week paleo challenge almost.  78.3 today, measurements going down for now as well.  More and more of my size 12 (stretch) pants are coming available to wear!  I did try on my pair of levi size 13 cut off denim shorts, (which I bought as jeans when 24). I do need to be sub 75 to wear them, more like 72 for a loose comfy fit I think.  But I can get them done up, just not wearable or comfy yet.  Now to keep off scales till 19 Sept. 
Till next time,
Pip :-)

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