Thursday, August 22, 2013

THIS WEEK..........

 The pic of the toothpick kebabs are what I took to last Sunday's little party after our Helen WOD.  Bits of cajun chicken breast, microwaved kumara chunks, red capsicum and red onion all chargrilled.  Great hot or cold!  Recipe is from Michelle Bridges's cookbook, but hers were large kebabs on long skewers as a meal, but these are coverted to be cocktail snacks.  The ingredients could be changed around as well, these are great!

The other pic is of a Chicken Pad Thai I made, - again from Michelle's cookbook so the calories and macronutrient quantities are pretty good if you train relatively hard and don't have an oversized serve!  I really rate the Pad Thai, it was delicious!!!

Another awesome recipe I made this last week was a chicken and veg soup, in a clear broth from a cookbook I received for my birthday.  I didn't bluetooth the pic to here, but it was delicious too!

Have trained everyday this week, although today will be a day off, but I want to get down and do a quick lounge workout for 15 mins or so later to practise some pushups, and work triceps and shoulders and back, - may even get onto the abs and some lunges too.

Yesterday I tried a new for me interval running was a killer!  As I have it as an eventual goal to run a sub 25 min outdoor 5k....and maybe a sub 50 min 10k outdoors I tried something new.  That was 500m at 5 min k pace, (or just below).  The aim was to finish between 2:25 and 2 mins 30.  Then a recovery walk until I reached 5 mins on my garmin.  I had to start running again as soon as I clocked 5 mins, quickly notice how far I had moved, then add 500m to it so it tests my brain too.  Then I knew the target I had to get to when I clocked 7 mins, 30!  My aim was to repeat this 6 times, (so I ran 6 times, 3k all up, with 6 lots of 2 min 30 sec walks in between).  Well, - I was doing all right till the 5th running interval, then felt so puffed and very uncomfortable about 200m into it, and just stopped, then walked for about 15 mins until I was back to my street, then did a final just sub 2:30 500m run burst down my street!  I did take my 5th interval onto a gravel road, which had been newly graded, and very hard to run fast on!  I will try this again....hopefully getting through all 6 intervals in time in a couple of days!  Think I may just continue to run up and down my road rather than anywhere with gravel just to see if I can do it!  Eventually I will increase the running intervals, decrease the walking ones till I can do 5 plus k continous at 5 min k pace! 

On Tuesday I did a 7.5k run, managed the first 30 mins in 29:39, - had a gravel road to contend with.  I sort of slowed down a bit after that and completed the whole thing in just over 46 mins.

Monday and Wednesday I had Crossfit, - it's bootcamp style and outdoors this week as the pavilion is being used for a huge book sale this week during the day times.  The coaches have the keys to go and get what weights, bars and kettlebells etc we need but we have been doing it outdoors!    Monday's WOD was a killer, - 9, 15, 21 rotation of tricep dips against fence, mountain climbers where you have to go really low, (OUCH), and jump squats, (OUCH).  Then 10 x 10m sprints, a 2 min rest, then 9, 15, 21 of rotation pushpresses, pulsing lunges and side jumps over our push press bar, then 5 x 20m sprints with walking recovery back to start.  I had to take some off my bar for the pushpresses halfway through the '15' set, - originally I was doing 25kg but lowered it to 22.5 to finish it off.  Wednesday we had an awesome tyre dragging, running with it overhead and tyre flipping WOD after an interesting warm up!  Luckily the weather has still been relatively mild by our standards this week!  In the evenings the grass has been nice, dry, not freezing, wet and muddy!

Right, off to do some cleaning, then will proof read and submit my assignment and start the next one!  And we have our dress up, go out for tea Crossfit party tonight!

Pip :-)

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