Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Yesterday was longer run day.  But I did the 6.25 option instead of the 7.5k as I had Crossfit in the evening.  It wasn't the greatest run, - weather was grey, cool, a bit windy, maybe 11 degrees.  For our standards I've been 'spoilt' having temps like 13 to run in, so even 2 degrees feels notably cooler!  *I must say I miss running in 20 plus degrees, and 30+ in Perth lol!  And the gravel road I run down has a few potholes, has been recently graded and I had to run onto uneven surfaces a couple of times when vehicles came.  I pushed it as much as possible, but didn't look at my garmin till the 5k mark, - time was 30:10.  I felt a bit bummed not to go sub 30 mins, my recent best is 28:39.  But oh well, not terrible!  I felt like walking for the rest of it, was buggered but still kept up a slow jog!  And while running slow and *hating* it, my sister drives past from coming up behind and toots!  I wish she saw me running faster lol!  I finished the run in just over 38 minutes.

Not long after I had Crossfit, warm up was a row, followed by skipping, shoulder mobility, squats and pullups.  We had to do an intense round of squats together, down, hold 5 secs, up quick, straight down quick, another 5 sec hold....repeat repeat!  For the pullups, I found I can do a few, proper form with the dark blue band now with most resistance.  That is big for me, as I couldn't even do 1 when I started Crossfit, could infact only lift self up a few inches.  Skill section was the Overhead squat.

WOD was 12 min AMRAP....(as many rounds as possible)

*5 pullups
*7 overhead squats
*9 box jumps.

I did my pullups with the dark blue band, only 8kg for the overhead squats as I'm still getting the proper technique.  Still haven't mastered a bloody 16 inch box jump so I was stepping up, jumping down as fast as I could.

I got to 7 rounds, and on 8th round managed the pullups and one squat. 

I am happy with my pullup improvement, although on the last couple of rounds I couldn't quite get my chin over bar for the 5th pullup.  A long way to go, but good improvement.  Getting set up in the band took a while, but I managed that on my own.

Now back to some study!  We get our 'Paleo Challenge' before and after pics sent to us by end of this week, I haven't seen them!  It will be interesting to see if any of the changes are visible.  But close to Christmas I will take some more pics....hopefully with awesome changes.  I have been on track since end of challenge, training well, food choices I'm pretty happy with etc.  Not fully Paleo though, - I like my oats, occasional wholegrain burgen bread and brown or basmati rice and feel weird and fussy about eliminating food groups.  Another thing I've started, is having 1-2t flaxseed oil daily, nice mixed into oats or on my omelette, (such as today).  I got a nice chilli flavoured one!

Till next time

Pip :-)


  1. Yes, I think eliminating all food groups is a recipe for disaster. Carbs and grains aren't the bad guy when consumed in reasonable quantities!

    1. Totally agree Liz, I chose the easiest option for the 'Paleo' challenge where we could set our own rules. Not the 'strict' or 'middle' option. So I never 'gave up' grains.....just totally gave up diet soft drinks and regular soft drinks again! - and bingeing. I had a couple of bingey slip ups in the challenge, but the last few weeks, have been binge free. :-)

  2. Congrats on the pull up progression!!! Awesome work :-)

  3. Thanks Michelle, - it's very satisfying to see improvements! A long way for me to go yet but lol! But I'm amped! We had what I found a really horrible WOD tonight!
