Sunday, September 15, 2013


When I first started this blog in June/July 2011, at that point I thought I'd finished up with binge eating and the like.  I had reached my 'ultimation goal weigh't of 62kg with not as much effort as I thought would be required!  I was just about to run the Gold Coast half marathon, (and did so).  I had imagined I'd maintain a similar size and body composition and problems with binge eating etc would be a thing of the past, I remember feeling fantastic!  I was on half marathon high for a few days, combined with a bit much wine, holiday living etc food choices started getting a bit 'looser'.  This wasn't too much of a problem at this point.  Then I had a couple of days in Sydney before heading to NZ.  When I lived in Sydney for a month in 2003, I pretty much soared up the the heaviest point of my life, (somewhere in the low 90's kg wise).  In 2011 I revisited the urge to 'live it up' for a couple of days and cafe hopped, bought fudge, icecream, handmade chocolates, fudge, cheese, pizza, cocktails etc you name it!  The 'off track' eating continued onto the NZ trip and I returned from that 2.5 week trip about 5-6kg up, still slim by my standards but I was starting to pop out of my size 10s then.  I would have thought I would have gotten straight back on track after the holiday but no, during the following 5 weeks I felt disgusted with myself and gained another 4-5kg.  My then BF then ended our relationship about 5 weeks after my return from the holiday and I was totally gutted at that point.  I'm not blaming my actions at all for the split, but I know he saw me sea-saw with weight and habits for almost 3.5 years. 

The reason I shared the above paragraph is that when I started this blog, I considered all the talk of scales and numbers finished.....'it' was all under control in my world but it didn't take long at all for whatever reasons to lose momentum and fall into familiar ways.

I wanted this blog to document all my interests, specifically photography, travel, adventures, beautiful places, food I consider 'good' which I create, what I like to do to get fit, any snippets of personal news I wish to share plus anything else I consider interesting.  I don't mind sharing occasional snippets regarding my body composition stats, but didn't want this blog to whine on about binge eating and being fatter/heavier/less fit that I want, when I undertook the actions to get that way.  Reading through my posts over the years, I seem to have fallen back to those ways quite often.

My posts of recent have got quite Crossfit related and I am very happy with this. 

Also, I have noticed I can upload photos to facebook more easily than I can to here.  Often the pics are too big or the resolution is too high to post and I haven't figured out how to make them smaller.  However I consider facebook is a good place to post meaningful photos.

Other news, have passed my online course up to date so far without needing to do any resubmissions, - yay!  That means I've passed 6 out of the 8 units of my course.  The final 2 units of the year are about to be sent out.

I have been questioning whether I would start up a new blog again, or re-structure this one.  Hmmmm........


  1. Mine is still brewing away. Just need a good few hours on the Mac at home to bring it to life. Easier said than done. My advice: restructure (its quicker and easier).


    1. Thanks Magda, am looking forward to your new blog when you get time to bring it to life :-) I agree with you, think I may restructure mine a bit in the near future. It's not like I want a whole new tangent. :-)

  2. I've had the same blog for 6 years and just keep reinventing it. Does it matter? I'm sure nobody actually reads the old stuff! Love the crossfit updates. I with my bod could handle it, but I can't with my dodgy joints. It's yoga all the way over here.
