Sunday, June 16, 2013


Time for a check in!

Well, I submitted my food log and training log for the week.......awaiting feedback now.

For work last week, I was in an active job.  It involved power walking/sometimes some running, along with pushing and pulling for 5-7 hours a day!  Enough for a sweat up despite almost freezing temperatures over here.  For work I've been on the go picking up bundles of either 5 or 10 1-2 year old trees, and bagging up either bags of 100 or 150 trees.  I have to power walk/sometimes run/use muscles to keep up the pace required!  And I come home totally covered in mud and mainly wet and buggered lol!

Other than that, my training was 2 Crossfit WOD's, (Workout of Day) plus 2 stints on the treadmill.  My fitness isn't all that flash at the moment.  Therefore I set the incline on 1 and speed at 10kmph, aiming to push out 30 mins or 5km!  Right now I'm not managing to do it in one stint.  On Tuesday I had to have a 5 min break at the 22 min mark, and on Friday a 4 min break at the 25 min mark before getting on to complete the 5k.  I was too stubborn to drop the opted for the rest.

Oh, I managed a 1:57 500m at level 10 on the rower on Thursday at Crossfit gym!  I am eventually aiming for a sub 4 min km at level 10 on rower.  Ellusive to me.  A few years back, the closest I've come is 4:08.  I can't yet keep up the pace required, - I have a love/hate relationship with rower.

Compared to other fit people in the class, I have a long way to go.  The box jumps scare me.  I don't know how all of the chicks seem to make it look so easy to do heaps of box jumps on a 16 inch box minimum...but up to a 24 inch box!  And the guys!  They are awesome!  But I am determined to get better and stronger all round.  I can only seem to do a 16 inch box jumps with a small run up, so my WODS can take a while!

Food wise, I can report no bingeing, no coke zero, no drinking alone, no sugary confectionary, lots of water so all good. social life has um...changed a bit of late, too much drinking on Friday and Saturday night took place, not the best food choices, (but social eating) and no training on the weekend.  It's a hard one, as while trying to fit into new social situations, I want to appreciate the efforts/be grateful of how others prepare food for me and not be too rigid and obsessive.....but still feel 'on track'.  But I really must/want to cut back on drinking this week and prioritise rather than flag off all training!

While I am still eating grains, I do want to try just to prioritise Paleo eating a little more.

Till next time,



  1. You are doing amazing! I have a goal of getting under the 2 min mark for 500 m on the rower ... I'm so close at 2:02! And box jumps terrify me too. I can't even jump onto the 12" box! So you are doing heaps better than me :-)
    We have a guy who jumps 2 x 24" boxes (obviously not in a WOD but just for fun o_O).

  2. Hi Pip, I haven't been on blogger much lately and am just catching up with what my friends are up to. Great work signing up for the challenge. Small steps taken every day will see good improvements over time. I'm hearing you about the weekend alcohol though. With me its just Peter and I but there is this real sense of "I deserve it" after a tough week at work. All too often my best laid plans to keep it really moderate, go out the window and I end up having more than I intended.


  3. Thank you Michelle and Magda! I agree, - small steps required! All still going well here. Wow Michelle, - 2 x 24" boxes! That is incredible!!!
