Sunday, June 9, 2013


G'day all!

Well, life has been a bit topsy turvy of other words I have let the *stop *start effect occur.  Not enough consistent streamlined progress before really falling off track.  However am not here to moan about that.......instead I ht ave signed up for a 10 week paleo challenge!!!!!

This isn't an 'online' challenge.......or a shakes/supplements type of challenge either.

We had 3 levels of Paleo to choose from, number 1 being ultra grains, 0-1 serves of dairy, no starches, no alcohol, no sugar, some of the right fruits, (ie berries)....basically protein, greens, nuts, seeds, and some non sweetened baking without grains or regular flour.  Number 2 option was called 80/20......meaning either a free day, 3 free meals, some alcohol, or similar *agreed* conditions applied, - the rest as per option 1.  Number 3 option, - healthier living!  I signed up for the easier option, number 3 in this case today.

My goals for the 10 weeks are:
* No bingeing
* At least 2 Crossfit WOD's per 20k running, (either outdoors, incline treadmill or flat faster treadmill) plus either a 20k bike ride or 1k swim.  I also own a 6kg and 8kg kettlebell and some 4kg dumbells so just need to regularly put in at least 10 mins each third day working those at home along with pushups, lunges, plank.
* No confectionary sugar except social occasions where none feels out of place....keep moderate!  If I'm to make a dessert of cake, I'm to keep it paleo friendly this challenge!
* I am not wanting to give up bread, starch and grains......but am aiming for at least 2 days a week where I just go paleo....for the 10 weeks.
* No drinking alcohol alone, just moderate socially if I choose to, always alternated with water.
* Am shooting for about a 10kg loss, to be much faster, stronger and fitter....and to have a consistent 10 weeks.
* No coke zero......I drink about 2-3 600ml bottles per week.  So this should be easy as a few years ago I used to average 2-3 600ml bottles per day of diet fizz.
We repeat todays Workout of the 5 weeks, to see progress, then again at end of 10 weeks.
* We had photos taken today, again that happens in 10 weeks

Today weighed in at 84.1kg, had a 95.5cm waist, (shit!)  I know I've never had to worry about giving up grains or carbs to lose weight in the past.  Even mid 2011 I reached 62kg......still ate grains, potatoes etc as I dropped to that while eating them, training well and feeling good.  When I was 21, I decided to get fit, low fat was more the craze then, so I worried more about what a piece of meat contained rather than a wholegrain baguette and quite easily at that time dropped to 58-60kg where I maintained for a while.  I do luv paleo food, want lots of my diet made up of it, but I'm tentative about cutting out food types, but like the environment and am keen to try and keep up with the 'strict' paleo group :-)


  1. It sounds like you have some great goals there. I like the sound of Option 3 ... I would rather focus on a healthy, balanced approach to diet than cutting food groups and being too strict.

    Good luck!

    BTW With regard to my post on my pull ups, I started with jumping pull ups when I first went to CF too! I'm slowly improving and know I'll be unassisted at some point :-)

  2. Good luck with the challenge. Take care.

  3. Thanks Michelle and Teresa! I'd love to do an unassisted pull up as well.....but seriously, compared to my leg strength, my upper body really sucks! One day :-)
