Thursday, February 28, 2013



Firstly: running kms for February totalled: 106.05km.  I had never written a Feb target down, thought 80km would be good, 100k awesome. 

Going by my garmin watch or treadmill I always rounded numbers down to the nearest 5 metres, (my kinda 'athlete' thing!).  No walking at all was allowed to be included in running total.  Running took form of 'the great outdoors' and treadmill workouts. (Those treadmill ones being uphill 'torture' sessions lol)! 

So:, adding to January's 62.9km running, for my 1000k running this year 'challenge', 168.95km have been labelled DONE so far!  I improved with my strength training results, (however didn't reach my actual strength training targets due to dis-organisation).  I got in 'a few' swims and bike rides, however need to look to more consistency to see all round improvements.

As for my '1st of month' weigh in: - today I was 79.0kg, (174lb).  That compares with 1 Feb's 81.9kg and 1 Jan's 85.2.  Therefore it's good to see I reached this months target of sub 80kg today.  On a side note to that: I have had cheeky sneak peeks at the scales, (about once every 3 days) and I can see I've sat at around the same figure as today, (within few hundred grams for the last two thirds of this month)!

Binge eating of some form has been a long term 'me' concern of mine.  During Feb it happened again, (3 times).  All those times after evenings with some wine last month! Twice I had an 'all out binge' on all chocolate in fridge, (most of it I'd been given), - both those binges included as the main, about 250g of chocolate at about 11pm at night.  The other, included about 250g mixed of tasty cheddar and feta cheese with some cooked new potatoes, tomatoes and cracked pepper. 

However there were big POSITIVES.  In the past, most of the time a thoughtless binge happened...such as a glitch/mindless few drinks and mindless consumption of 'whatever' I felt like IN THAT MOMENT, (not long term) the result was FULL OFFTRACKNESS!  I wanted to cram everything in, (such as whatever I could possibly ever desire, like icecream, various cheeses, proteins, chocolate, alcohol, new restaurants, etc...etc...whatever.  My mindset was.....'while 'not strict' I may as well get every possible temptation outta my system as soon as possible!'  The funny thing was, when 'on track', I never felt deprived, was never overly strict.  However if I participated in actions I felt were 'off track, often from too much alcohol, (not always that either,) I felt I had really disappointed myself, - it just seemed too 'hard' to pull myself out of that pattern......till I had put on 10 plus kg in a couple of months or whatever and felt disgusted, then started on the 'get back on track' mission again, yoyo!  To always, (not just some of the time) get back on track straight away when in the slothful, lazy moment  I wanted to go 'wild' is new.

Therefore, incase anyone remembers my words 'Febfast', I wasn't as committed there as last year.

I participated in 3 events last month, will continue the trend.  I want to keep up my running consistency, more regular biking and swimming and resistance training.

My lil sis is due to give birth on 10 Mar, when that happens I'm an Aunty for the first time!!! :-)
Oh yeah, /I passed the first online course assessment so I found out!

This was a long one so cheers for now!

Pip :-)


  1. Wonderful month Pip, keep up the good work. Congrats on becoming an Aunty you are going to have so much fun. Take care

  2. Thank you Teresa! Yep, Feb was quite successful, not an Aunty yet but it will be anytime :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Hahaha, - thanks Liz! I will now remember that.....yeah, got through those 100k of running ;-)
