I'm working again now, am in swing of that quickly. Day 7 without any alcohol so far this time around.
As I've talked about, - in Perth I had early starts in regard to work. A few years ago I very regularly had to be up at 3.15am for 4am starts. Last year I was up at 4.50am in my quest to start the day so was at work on time. I always had an issue with going to bed early enough though!
However, with no urgeny about things......I found I naturally retreat to being more of a night owl! So when I finished work in Perth, I found I was in bed later, then up later, - felt blissful! I did what was necessary to fit with my itinerary in Thailand, however there were never any massively early starts.
NZ is 5 hours ahead of Perth in summer, so when I moved here, - the first night I wasn't in bed till 4am Perth time. However I did develop a pattern of getting to bed about 1am on average, getting up about 8.30-9.30am after nice lie ins, -bliss!
Now with working, I need to change that clock back around somewhat so I'm up earlier and in bed earlier again!
Today I knew I was gonna have to suck this up...........but I am in the mindframe that I want to get used to doing a decent workout early in the morning on a regular basis again! Even say at least twice a week, (other workouts can be after work). Such as a sweat busting run, - or decent HIIT session on the treadmill.
It has been years since I could get in an early morning workout on a weekday done in Perth cause:
a) I flatly refuse to run outside in the morning before it's light!
b) I considered it rude to have a workout in the house before 5am when housemates are sleeping!
c) I was too sleep deprived from getting to bed too late, and regularly drinking too much alcohol.....the last thing I felt like doing on waking up was an intense workout!
I intend to have a decent treadmill HIIT workout on the go by 6am tomorrow. What I have noticed.....without alcohol for a week is better sleeps and of course less dehydration in the mornings which both put one in a stronger workout position. I could probably achieve this with very moderate drinking as well, but will continue to stay off it for now, - till at least end of Febfast.
My treadmill workout now is a hill program, I stay running at the same speed and the incline keeps changing every minute, - anywhere from 1.0 and 4.0 so the uphill 'sprints' for a minute are the killers! I have a few resistance moves I do from time to time, just need to start being consistent with them!
Till next time,
All the best getting back to work mode. Sound like a solid workout. Good luck.