Last weekend I visited the Edendale Crank Up Weekend. It's a big weekend in my now home town where people from nearby, (plus some travel reasonable distances).........bring out their old tractors, vintage tractors, older styled cars and vehicles such as landrovers, trucks etc! There is a Friday night parade around Edendale, then on Saturday and Sunday the same vehicles parade at the Edendale Sports grounds. There is also a festival atmosphere, a bit like a show on a small scale and things such as the bouncy castle and go-carts for kids, plus a couple of clothing stalls etc, plus drinks etc for sale. There are marching parades, lawnmower races plus lots more. I visited on Saturday with my sister and some of her friends. Sunday morning I got up early as I decided to volunteer some baking to the fundraising baking/produce stall! I went with a carrot cake, (sugarfree and flourfree) and a sugarfree flour free date and walnut loaf, courtesy ofKat Millar I cut both items into slices, wrote up a pretty tag for each. I didn't manage to get to Crank Up day on Sunday so am not sure how they sold!
I have been consistent with my training and reaching my kilometre targets with running, plus also getting in some weights workouts! However I'm still awaiting performance improvements and am finding this a frustrating process! Such as since early September last year, - my best 5k outdoor run time is 32:40. I used to be able to run 5k outdoors in 26 mins or slightly less and want that level back, - actually for now want to manage an outdoor 5km under 30 mins! I have had some challenging terrain, (like freshly graded roads, a bit like sand running) plus challenging windy weather at times. I am still keeping up with the early morning 20 min treadmill torture incline/hill run 2-3 times a week. That involves setting treadmill at 9.4kmph speed wise. First min incline 1.0, 2nd min 2.0, 3rd min 1.0, 4th min 3.0, 5th min, 1.0, 6th min 4.0, 7th min 1.0, 8th min 4.0, 9th min 2.0, 10th min 1.0......then repeating the sequence for another 10 mins without a break! For the first week, I firstly attempted it at 9.0 speed, managed that, so increased it to 9.2 and managed that 3 times, (although a struggle). So next I set treadmill at 9.4, succeeded with that first attempt, however the next 3 runs at that pace were shit! Such as struggling, reaching maximum, - one day at 10 mins, one at 14 mins, one at 16 mins! I either terminated the workout or had a drink, stretch, caught breath a bit and soldiered on. Yesterday morn at 6am, despite a real struggle I made it the full 20 mins incline job at 9.4 without a break. I did some resistance work for 20 mins or so, (using body weight, dumbells, deck steps and wall) yesterday evening and a 7.2k outdoor run on some varying terrain, (however flat) after work today. 1k freestyle swim at pool scheduled tomoz, then will attempt Monday's 9.4 incline run again on Thursday hoping to put another success in the bag! Have been pretty good with nutrition, went out to a BBQ on Saturday but didn't go insanely overboard!
I am guessing a good part of this fitness level frustration goes toward being currently overweight and allowed self to lose fitness conditioning strength wise etc too . I think regaining fitness it is a harder process when older. As far as fatloss goes, I started this year at 85.2 :-( I know I was pretty on track week one of this year, slipped up bad week 2, then have been pretty fully on track for last 2 weeks. I was aiming for under 82kg on 1 Feb, then hopefully back under 80 come 1 March. Will see how I fare 1 Feb.
Another obstacle to fitness frustration could be: - lack of coffee lol! I'm not so keen on instant coffee, - need to travel at least 30km for a decent cafe coffee such as a well made skinny flat white so sipping one before I start work isn't an option! And most shops are shut after it has to be a weekend treat or an indulgence................reading lifestyle glossy magazines or a newspaper in an a nice cafe sipping a nicely made coffee along with sometimes perhaps a healthyish sounding brunch option or whatever if hungry! The daily work coffee(s) were mandantory in Perth and a regular indulgence were the cafe nice ones, (often after or half way through a bike ride or similar). Guess I could buy an expensive home expresso machine, - however other priorities for my money for now and I'm finding myself busy with other things that I would sabotage my time if I lingered about savouring coffee, - a bit like beer or wine!
Talking of the alcohol subject, - hopefully I don't disappoint you Liz, (as I have full admiration and respect for non drinkers), - however I did cave to a couple of social drinks at gatherings on Friday and Saturday been. Wine and beer, not overly too much which was good. But am back off it, other than social occasions at weekends if desired and only very occasional important celebrations if ever on weeknights. Water intake recently has been sky high for some reason, - good!
Till next time,