Pic of the camera is my newbie, - birthday pressie to myself. I bought it at Christchurch airport Duty Free for on special for AU $480. I mentioned it was my birthday and 'ummed and arred' about the price so the sales chick offered to throw in a new 4G memory card for free. It was this, - or an entry level SLR that I was considering but for now went with this one!
The painting is one Grandma did and it sits in her lounge on the wall and I think it's amazing! She is a very talented at painting and does lots of many different arts and crafts!
The big platter is the work of my younger sis, - in preparation for Mum and Dad's Ruby Wedding anniversary dinner! I just took the photo!
I decided on some coffee and chai latte 'porn'. Younger sis and I are at a yummy cafe in Queenstown for brekkie, (and I'm awaiting my brekkie)!
Pic of me here is the morning of my 31st birthday, - at my Aunty and Uncle's home near Christchurch. This is not long before leaving to fly back to Perth. I took this pic.
The family went out to tea one night, - umm I indeed have dessert here in front of me as my older sis said she would like a taste. Tia Maria dessert infact with champs of course!
This is younger sis driving me up to Queenstown in her and her hubby's ute not long after the sun came up for the day! We are between localities of Edendale and Mataura I think.
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