Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Life for me has been busy since my last update.

But unfortunately, about 3 weeks ago my intense training kind of came to a blatant stop/halt.

I was in what I called 'the zone', loving Crossfit, right into running and interval running, (with aim of a sub 25 min 5k eventually), and I regularly was doing pushups, tricep dips, squats, lunges, planks, stuff with dumbbells and stupid things, (like timing myself to do 20 burpees)....all to help with strength and Crossfit.  I loved seeing the improvements, increasing my weights and building up my numbers with pushups on toes/no knees.

My social life seems to have been active as well, - but lots of drinking, late nights and less sleep.  A few months ago a guy from work expressed the fact that 'he liked me lots, wanted to get to know me more'.  We worked together for a few weeks, (seasonal work) but he didn't admit that he liked me till after it finished, although we got along well on a 'workmate' level at work.  To cut to the chase, we have been dating a few months, he keeps saying he is extremely keen on me etc etc.  He is into training, (specifically weight training at the gym) but likes anything to keep fit.  He is a big guy, can bench press 3 sets of 8 at 100kg.  I've told him a few times that I probably see him more as a really good friend than anything else still.  But he and his mates like to drink.  Not just one or two beers in the hour after they get home from work, but big sessions which last a few hours, a few times a week with lots consumed.  I have a tendency to like wine, and he knows it and he often buys a bottle for me when he buys his beer and bourbon for himself.  I keep telling him of my wish to cut back etc, but still, if a bottle of wine is opened, I very rarely don't finish it.  I have to really concentrate on drinking really slowly and sitting on a drink so the bottle lasts a few hours.  If finished early I allow myself to get pressured to open another bottle or drink some beers.  But still, a bottle of wine, say 3 times a week is far too much.  I used to sometimes chill out with a delicious wine at home after Crossfit or the like but I have successfully totally banned drinking alcohol alone at least for a while now.

Anyway, just over 3 weeks ago, I came down with a bit of a cold, was working and also had lots of assignments due at once.  I decided with the assignments, Crossfit had to give for a few nights, (due to travel time and workout time).  The initial plan was to do sets of pushups and the resistance exercises listed above at home so I didn't lose momentum and try to maintain new recent fitness.  That lasted about 2 days.  Then the study frustration, some bingeing come to hit which lead to more, and training unfortunately fully came to a halt.  Whoops. 

I was weighing in and measuring on the 19th of every month, last month was 76.8kg, (good drop) and fitness was starting to happen.  It will be up now a bit on that again, - hopefully still under 80 on a good morning lol.

Other news is that I have applied for a job at the freezing works, (half hour drive from here).  It's seasonal, (sometime in Dec-May) but money is good for those months and work is solid, - 44-45 hours a week or so.  It will be night shift, (4.30-5pm until about 1.30am) Mon-Fri and 11am-4pm many Saturdays and won't suit Crossfit class times so I will have to give that up while at the Freezing Works.  But I can get up, run, train from home or hit a gym before work.  I will still be focussing on similar stuff and work toward doing pullups!  I have a medical tomorrow for the Freezing Works job, providing thats all good, I'm pretty much in so I understand.  After I finish at the works, I believe I will have a couple of weeks off, then other seasonal work from June-early September, then about 3 weeks off, then from Oct through till at least mid November.

My course is going well, I don't have too much left.  Cutting down lots on drinking when in social situations and keeping it that way will be a challenge as long as the c word, (consistency) with training.  If for some reason I decide or satisfy myself it's unfeasible to do the intense planned workout session I have planned for the day, that is ok, BUT instead can I look at doing a shorter or less intense workout?  And at least keep the food controlled and any alcohol consumed in check if I do drink socially?

On another note, someone close family wise to me has admitted they are now alcohol dependent.  Pretty much for many years this person has been a daily drinker, enjoying some wine, occasionally beer and sometimes whiskys in the evening, occasionally lunchtime as well on a Sunday.  But over the last couple of years this has escalated, this person has real trouble sleeping and terrible anxiety levels and uses whisky for that, and throughout the day as well to relieve shakes, anxiety and intense feelings of illness.  The behaviour has intensified over the last few months.  This person admitted it, admitted they can't stop or cut down on their own so are very soon going to a rebab facility to detox and rehabilitate and most likely once the detox starts, will be advised never to drink again.

Till next time